Sasha Brause x Bullied!Reader

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Might Trigger People!!


All these words rang in my head. Stop...make it stop... I clutch my head, trying to make the voices stop. Then there was a knock at the door. "Hey (Y/n)! Cmon let me in! I got freshly baked potatoes!" Sasha. Sasha was your best friend. Whether you liked it or not, you ended up developing feelings for the food lover. I mentally slapped myself for having those feelings as I open the door to let Sasha in.
I imidiatly blush at what she was wearing.
She was wearing a green tank top with short jean shorts. She was also holding two bags of what I would guess were potatoes, intensified the cuteness.
"Um...come in!" I said, turning around quickly to hide my blush. Even if she did see it, she was too incredibly dense to notice.
After talking and eating potatoes, Sasha turned to leave. "Thanks for letting me stay for a while" Sasha said waving "Your Welcome!" I said as she closed the door behind her.

Gotta go to bed so I can survive hell tomorrow.

I entered school and prepared myself for the worst. When I entered my classroom, everyone was staring at me. Why do you all stare? I walked to my desk and discover why they were staring at me.

Engraved on my desk were harsh words to discribe me and threats.

Kill yourself
Do the world a favor!

There were many more. My hair covered my eyes as Sasha came up from behind me. Did I forget to tell you that my best friend is the school's idol, well, one of them.
You could feel the comforting aura Sasha had. Now tears were threatening to fall down my face. I turn around to meet Sasha's gaze. Imidiatly, her eyes widen and that comforting aura disappears. She engulfs me in a hug and starts saying sweet things...or more like sweet foods to take my mind off of the words on my desk.
She then pulls away and faces the now silent classroom. "Who did this?" There was venom in those three words as she points to your desk. Silence. "Who dare make her cry?" This time there was even more anger in her words. "Why would you care Brause?" One of my classmates asked. "She's just a stupid, suicidal, nerd!" I hear the same voice say.
Sasha then stomps all the way to the other side of the classroom to the student who was talking.


Sasha Brause had just back hand, slapped another student. "Yeah? Well then she's my stupid, suicidal, nerd! You have no right to speak of her that way!" She yelled anger laced in her words. Her stupid, suicidal, nerd? I swear I could've fainted right then. This time my blush was waaaaaay more intense. Sasha then looked at your blushing face. She smiles a bit. Shoot! Too cute! Um... what do I do??.... erm...RUN! Right them I run out of classroom to the roof. I sit on a bench and put my hand over my heart. Dang, if I was in the hospital, they would've thought I was dying. My breathing hitched when the door to the roof opened and I could feel the comforting aura. Sasha sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?" She blurts "what?" I asked, genuinely confused. "Why didn't you tell me that you were getting bullied?" She asked once again. I could only shrug. She takes her head off my shoulder and grabs them, turning my to face her. She starts to lean closer to me. My heart beat starts going crazy. "Um...! S-Sasha!" She stops leaning and speaks. "Shut up" she mutters under her breath. "E-excuse me-" I feel warm lips on mine. Sasha is kissing me!!!!!!!!!! I kiss back after I regain my senses.
After we pull away, I swear I was the happiest person ever.

"Your my stupid, suicidal, nerd. "

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