Honaka x Framed?Fem!Reader!

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Pretend you are as tall as Nico in this.

I entered the apartment which, not to my surprise, was dark. I dropped my keys onto the counter and went to reach for the light switch. However, the lights turned on before I could reach the lights.

The living room was trashed and Honaka stood in the middle. "Babe...are you alright?" Concern was wrapped around my words. "I'm fine, babe." She spat. "W-why are you acting like this? Did I do something wrong?" I was utterly confused.

"Yeah! What did you do, babe?"  She retorted. "I-I don't know what I did! What did I do?" I try to reach out for her hand but she holds up a picture. A picture of me pinning Nico to the wall and bending down to kiss her. "The hell!? You believe this?!" I suddenly yell, angered. "ITS A PICTURE AND PICTURES NEVER LIE! ITS OVER AND YOUR NOT GETTING ANOTHER CHANCE!! I HATE YOU!!" She screamed.

It stung. It stung bad. The words that she said replayed in my head over and over again. Especially the last sentence. I HATE YOU!! Tears slip out of my eyes one by one. I look at Honaka and look for regret or pity. There was none.

"U-um...okay..." I choke out. "Just need to tell you some things and I'll leave....I'll disappear." Tears still slipped from my eyes. "Fine. Go."

I make my way to my cloths and start packing my backpack. "You were my first girlfriend." I say. I make my way over the the table in the living room and take the broken picture frame of Honaka and I, probably smashed by her, into my hands. I stand it back up on the table. "How many times have I said that I loved you and only you?" I asked, not looking at Honaka. I stand there and look around the apartment. "How tall is Nico?" I ask and I hear her scoff. I take my backpack off the ground and head towards the door. I open it slowly and I sense her getting impatient. I lock the door from the inside stealthily.

Finally, I meet her gaze and ask one last thing before I walk out and close the door. "And since when I was I taller than her?" With that, I see her eyes widen and breath hitch. I walk out the door and close it softly.

I slowly walk away and I hear the door handle rattle before it was unlocked and Honaka came crashing out of the apartment. More tears slipped out of my eyes as I hear her footsteps echo on the side walk towards me. I turn around only to be met with a pair of lips on mine, sharing a passionate kiss.

Once we pull away for air, I look down, not wanting to look at her face. "Y/n look at me." Still my eyes were cast onto the cement beneath my feet. She then lifts my chin to look at me. Her eyes were filled with tears and mine were too. She pulled me into a tight hug as I hesitantly put my arms around her. More tears fall from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know a-and I said all those things b-but they aren't true and I love you!" She said quickly. There was silence for a bit. "So you don't hate me?" I asked, timidly. "NO!" She then envelopes me into another hug and lifts me over her shoulder. I sweat dropped as I remembered the bruise I got because of this.

Then fun happened.

....Fun times am I right?

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