(RWBY)Weiss! x Misunderstood!Faunus!Fem!Reader!

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(I ship white rose so hard but this is an x reader thingy....)

(Weiss's POV)

There was always this one Faunus that sat alone in the cafeteria. Not that anyone minded...well, except for me.

Faunus have been causing my father and his company some distress. From dust going missing or them not wanting to cooperate. It irritates me.

But this one particular Faunus is giving me the creeps. Her name is (Y/n). I don't know what her last name is and truthfully, I don't care. She gives me the creeps because of how smart and skilled she is. I'm sure that if we were in the same classes, she would be equal to Pyrra and I. She's like me, except a Faunus. It weird having a skilled duplicate. But she's quiet. If I recall, for some reason, all teams of four were made but she doesn't have an assigned group. She's on her own. Maybe Prof. Ozpin had made a mistake. It's not like it's my problem anyways.
I am a bit confused on what Faunus she is. Her hair is always in a pony tail and reaches he back of her knees. Honestly, who could fight in that? She has bandages blood red bandages that wrap up from her hands to just below her elbows. I know she's a Faunus because of her eyes. They are a bit cat like but have a reptile tint to them.
But my curiousity is what brings us to where I am now. I walked up to the long haired Faunus and rested my hand flat on the table. A bit startled, she looks at my hand and then up to me.
"Ms.Schnee, how may I help you?" She raises an eyebrow and looked at me noncholantly. Throw away that attitude, you dunce. "If I may ask, what are you?" I narrowed my eyes. I hear whispers from around me. Some are about how a Schnee could possibly be talking to a Faunus.
She now wore an expression of confusion. "I am a person...?" She asks with uncertainty like she could give the wrong answer. I roll my eyes and give a remark. "Are you talking back at me?" I try to hold an intimidating stance but I was distracted by her eyes piercing into my soul. "Well Ms. Schnee...that's how communication works..." she shrugs her shoulders and slowly looks down at her food.
"You cave man! Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is?" "Yes I do," She suddenly stands up leans forward so she's now talking into my ear. "but I'm a dragon so don't get so quirky." She leans back and grabs her trash to throw away. "Later." She calls over her shoulder leaving me in a state of shock.

    Oh you are in so much trouble right now.

    That night I find myself on the balcony of the dorms, looking for a certain dragon. There, I find her looking out to the sunset. She sat on the ledge swinging her legs.
   "Thinking of your next plan?" I say from behind her. She doesn't seem startled and turns around to face me. "What plan?" I scoff and lean my weight on my left leg and place my hand on my hip. "You know, dust stores all around Vale are being robbed."
   The long haired girl only turned back around to face the horizon before replying. "So? It's not my problem." She seemed a bit annoyed at the statement of robbery. "I know who you really are." I wanted to get this girl to know that I will not tolerate any kind of threat to my Father's company and me. "Oh really? Who am I then?" Y/n questions carefree while leaning on her hands behind her. The sun was now gone but the orange sky was still in full sight.

"Your a member of the white fang."

"Woah, woah, woah. What?" She immediately spins around to face me. "Just as I said." I stated as if I know everything. I mean I do know, why else could she be hiding here under the protection of Beacon? "I am not a member of the white fang." She was now standing face to face with me as she clenched her fists but it seemed that she couldn't hold them long.
    "Oh really? And why should I believe that?" I shifted my weight to my other leg. "Y-you don't know me." She stuttered as if she was nervous of being found out. I was determined to get her to confess. "I don't need to know you to know that you are, indeed, a member of the-" "You don't know me! I don't care what you think.  You. Don't. Know. Me." Tears now pricked the corners of her eyes.
     "So, standing your ground even when found out. Courageous." I am determined to get her to say it herself. Even if I have to break her. She's just a savage beast.
    "I've had enough of this. I'm leaving." She walks past me but I quickly grabbed the part of  her arms that was bandaged.  Her arm was warm. Warmer than it feels that skin should feel. I hear Y/n release a hiss.
    "Let go!"
    "No I will not! I will not leave before you-"
    "I said let go!"
    "Not before you confess-"

    Shocked at her outburst I let go of her arm. I didn't think that I was grabbing her that hard. Y/n was now facing me and tried to wipe away her tears with her bandage on her arm. But when she wiped, the color smeared onto her face. Her face now had a blood red smear across her eyes. Wait, does that mean that the color was smeared on me too? I look down at my hand and indeed, it was covered in the color. The color was shinier than it should be. Wait. Is this even coloring at all??
   "Y-y/n? What is this?"
   "It's just some color that was being rubbed-"
    "Y/n! What is this?! This is not just coloring!"
    "Oh my god, Y/n. This isn't blood is it?"
    "Oh my god! Y/n! This is your blood! What are you doing to yourself!?"
    "Nothing! Now let me leave!"
    "Your not going anywhere! I am going to take you Prof-"

    I jumped in my place.
    "Do you want to know why I do this to myself!?" She pauses but then continued again. "I do this because it hurts! My life hurts! I feel like everything is being weighed on me and going into my blood! I have to have a way to release the pressure! So I do this! Every morning, I put on white bandages! White! Do you know what color it is by the time I finish putting on my shoes!? This!" She unwraps her arm and holds up her bandage that was blood red. She had exposed all her cuts along her arm. Some were long, some were short. Some were deep and some weren't. Even just having the bandage off for about a second, the cuts had already made a trail down to her elbow where it dropped onto the floor.
    "Well, to answer your question Ms.Schnee, I have been a previous member of the White Fang! This is why I'm like this! I can't help it! All the memories of experimenting on me! They did their experiments on me! Not my blood won't clump or dry! It's just there! Trickling down forever until I die! Even though I was just a test subject, I did a lot of bad things! My punishment? 6 cuts each morning so I will die! I will die slowy!"
    This confession had brought tears to the corner to my eyes. Then I realized why I had been obsessed with the faunus. It's because we had the overwhelming pressure on our backs. Mine was to become the perfect girl that my father could approve of. But her? She's overwhelmed if the guilt that she bears on her shoulders.
    "But to make it worse! I have a freaking crush on the last person that I should even think of at night. I feel so, so guilty because I know they won't like me back. This crushes me more and more. Every. Single. Day. The worst is that...is that my crush is you, Weiss...I know your hate for Faunus. I know your commitment to your Schnee name. I-I know I won't ever be happy! But the worst part of all is that-...is that I want to be happy so badly!"
    If the tears were coming down fast before, the tears were coming down faster. I-I was her crush?? Just that thought alone made my stomach do flips.
    Before I could fully examine the emotions that were skyrocketing through my veins, I had started talking. "You dunce...plug that mouth of yours or else I will." I narrowed my eyes. "Weiss, I just gave you my full on confession of love and depre-"
"I said plug it. Or else this will be awkward"
    Grabbing her shoulders, I brought our faces closer together and pecked her lips. I stepped back and blushed furiously but never took my eyes off of Y/n's expression.
    She looked at me in shock and her arms her partially stretched out. Nevertheless, her face was beat red from the base of her neck to the tip of her ears. "Uh...um...c-could you do that again but uh- slower... and longer... and more passionate...?" She stuttered embarrassingly.
Trying to lighten up the mood I also said something that would be mildly embarrassing to me.

"You mean with tongue?"
"Ah! No! I mean, if-if you want to! I mean! Not that I am desperate but um...yeah"

    I greeted her with another kiss that was slower, longer, and more passionate. It was like there were stars underneath my eyelids that were shining as bright as could be.

    Once we pulled away, I noticed her hands on my hips...partially staining my white combat skirt.


"Huh...? OH CRAP"


-(5 Years Later)-

(Y/n's POV)

Okay...so...Weiss ran away from home... and I wanna marry her...who do I ask for our blessing?

No one!

"Y/n! Where did you go- oh hey!" Weiss glomped me from behind. I let out an audible oof and relaxed from the impact.

"After 5 years of enrolling into Beacon and not graduating, you finally put your semblance to good use." Weiss whispered in my ear. I blushed hummed in response. "So what would that be?" I ask. "You went a lot faster in bed last night" she whispered once again.


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