Nozomi x Fem!Artistic! Reader

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(Nozomi's POV)
I was currently in class. I was staring at a pretty girl that sat beside me. I was staring at her because she was drawing a picture of the room we were in. Let me say, it was a damn good picture.

The way she drew the windows with sunlight coming through them was amazing. She made a black and white picture look like it was filled with beauty that only the people that really treasure art see.

I had probably been staring because she stopped drawing and was looking at me without any emotion. Honestly, I couldn't tell if she was mad or not bothered.

"Draw something."

I had to pause my thoughts for a second. Friggin georgous voice.

"Wh-I can't draw that good" I say embarrassingly. "Just do it" she replies.

I take out a piece of paper and a pencil and I was starting to draw.

After I was finished with my drawing, I looked up at the girl sitting beside me. She was staring at me. I coughed a bit to get her attention. "A-ah. Here" she said as she gave a piece of paper to me.

She drew me drawing the picture. The way my eyes showed determination. My nose a bit scrunched up as my tongue was also sticking out in concentration.

"Than-" I look back up to where she should be but see her empty seat. "K you...?"

Then something else catches me eye.

On my shoulder in the picture was some writing on it.

'By (Y/n)
       (Phone number)'

"Sneaky little...."

A/n: sorry this was short!

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