Perfuma! x Fem!Reader

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    Perfuma was in the middle of her meditation routine when I walked into her quest room at Bright Moon. I was hoping to maybe spend some time before she left tomorrow but it seemed that right now wasn't a good time. So, I slowly opened the door again and turned to walk out. My feet hit the floor slowly and silently.

"I know you're here, Y/n."

    Turning around to face Perfuma again, I smiled nervously. I was caught red handed.

"You're the only person who visits me at night, the day before I leave to my kingdom."

    I nod my head. "I's tradition right?" Chuckling, I walked closer to her as she pat the space beside her.

    "Nothing but a friendly tradition." Perfuma took a deep breath and relaxed. That was when I was reminded of why I wanted to come to her room so urgently.
     "I actually have something to say about...that." Clearing my throat was proven hard to do before I could fully start talking again. Perfuma urged me to go on by opening her eyes and nodding in concern. " are familiar with the term gay, right?" I started to crack my fingers nervously as it was a habit of mine when put under pressure. Perfuma reaches out with her own hands and clasped my hands in hers.
    "Of course." She smiled. "Are you gay?" Her eyes bore into mine and her hands never left mine. My whole body shivered and I felt myself start a cold sweat. I started shaking in nervousness. She'll accept me for who I am so why am I so nervous? Hesitantly, I nodded and cast my eyes down to my lap.
    Without warning, she tackled me in a hug, almost sending us tipping over but I kept us steady. "That's great! You're so brave for telling me this Y/n." We parted quickly and she held my shoulders at arms length. "I'm so proud of you." Her smile was to warm. Her eyes sparkled and were filled with stars. Oh how wonderful.  "Is that it?" Her eyes never leaving mine, but I forced myself to look anywhere else but her.
     "No...I...I like you..."

    "Well, I like you too."

     The answer was too light hearted for us to have been thinking of the same type of 'like'. "No, I mean, romantically, Perfuma. I like you...romantically." My gaze was put onto the floor as I felt her hands leave my shoulders. Those same hands hugged herself. "I don't want to make this awkward between us. You don't have to answer right away but...I would like to get one soon."
    I finally gathered my courage and willed myself to look at her once again. She looked uncomfortable and her eyes shifted from one place to another. "Y/n...I don't know what to say." Perfuma stated as I pursed my lips together.
     "It's okay. Now, I'll let to get some rest before Frosta starts bangin' on your door for monopoly." I let out a light hearted chuckle to lighten the mood. It seemed to have worked as Perfuma chuckled with me. "As you know, I won't be there to see you off. So, bye Perfuma, I hope to see you again soon." Letting out my best smile, I stood up and exited the room.

    The only thing I thought about on the way to my own room was the look on Perfuma's face. The way she looked so uncomfortable. I did that. I'm a terrible person. I should've just stopped when everything was still doing great. Before I unlocked my room, I wiped my tears. I stared at my hand that was wet with my own tears. Since when have I cried?

    The next few months continued the way they did before. The princesses would have a meeting in Brightmoon and I was there to oversee it as a guard. Perfuma seemed completely normal, like I hadn't confessed to her the month before.
    Nothing seemed to have changed between the two of us either. We would take walks like normal, have picnics like normal. Have late night conversations the night before she was sent out to leave. It was just like we were normal friends. We are normal friends.
    Part of me wanted to ignore the fact that I was still waiting on an answer. I was convinced that we could just forget I ever said anything that night. We certainly treated like nothing happened. I was so scared to loose Perfuma that this continued for months. Months eventually turned into a year. And a year had turned into two.
    I was getting impatient. I needed to know, I didn't want to be left hanging.

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