If Only I Had.

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A/n: ignore this if you want but this is just an apology if all my Oneshots are depressing....BTW you can choose any person for this story.


You know that feeling of being so angry at someone you just wish they would die. At that moment, your thinking of all the satisfaction you would get if something bad happened to them.

It's also weird how when something actually happens to them, you think the opposite. You think of how they are doing. You think of what your life would have been with out them.

You think of the the memories you made with them.

How would I know?

Because I experienced it.

-(Flash Back)-

I'm so stressed out!! There is so much stuff to do and so little time!!! (Me when I procrastinate)

Apparently, my brain thought that I could handle more stress.

As soon as I walk through the door of (Y/n) and i's appartment, I drop my keys on the counter and ignore (Y/n)'s greeting.

"Uh...um...I made your favorite dinner and played your favorite song upstairs..." (Y/n) said shyly. I used to love her shyness. But right now I just don't want to talk to her at all.

"Thanks" I grabbed my food off the table and went up to our room and ate there instead of having dinner with her.

After I was done, I set the plate on the bedside table and continued watching TV until I heard a knock. I opened the door to be greeted with (Y/n).

"Um...can we talk?" geez can you leave me alone.


She tried to reach out to me but I slammed the door on here. I hear a loud thump and (Y/n) let's out a cry of pain.


She never shouts....she never raises her voice.

But I'm still angry.

I swung the door open to see (Y/n) glaring at me with her purple and bleeding nose. It seemed quite crooked. "You deserved it." I said coldly. I was going to close the door again until she stopped it with her foot.

"What is wrong with you?! This whole week our relationship has been going down hill and your not doing anything about it! You even make it worse by hurting me!!" She yelled, blood still dripping from her nose and tears in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "When have I ever hurt you?" I asked "excuse me!?" She yells. She takes a shaken breath and calms down a little....key word:a little.

"Okay first off! You gave me this piece of art work right here" she points to her nose as it's gushes more blood as she breaths and staining the floor bellow her. "SECOND!!! You threw a friggin beer bottle at me and got shards of it in my arm!!" She then points to her arm which indeed had hundreds of stitches. "THIRD! You also threw your own PHONE at me because I came home late and you thought I was cheating on you when you have no right to say that!" I shifted my weight to my other leg as I cross my arms over my chest. I look at her face where she had a black eye from my phone. "FOURTH-"

"No im not taking this (I/b/w) (insert bad word) right now (That was a weird way to say that but oh well)." I cut her off. "Excuse me? I'm not the one who-" I cut her off again. "YOU KNOW WHAT!? STAY AWAY FROM ME. YOU COMPLAIN TO MUCH AND YOUR TOO CLINGY! WHY DID I EVER WANT TO MARRY A PERSON LIKE YOU!?!??!! PACK YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE. ME. BE. ALONE." I seethed as I closed my door only for it to open again.

"I said-" I was cut off. "CALM YOUR TITS IM GETTING MY CLOTHS." She then stomps to her wardrobe and throws her cloths into a bag and leaves the room. I follow her as she pauses infront of the front door. "Well?" I question.

"You know what's the worst thing about this?" She says as she turns around to meet my gaze. Her eyes showed hurt and regrett.

She pulls her engagement and marrage ring off her finger and threw it to the floor. Metal against wood sounds echoed throughout the house.

"I STILL F*CKING LOVE YOU!" She yells as she opens the door to leave.

She didn't even see the man. She didn't see the gun. She didn't even make one step outside the quiet house.


-(Flash Back Ends)-

Now I'm at the hospital, waiting for the doctor to come back and tell me that she's going to be alright. I need a miracle. Bad.

I pondered and cried. I yelled and I thrashed. I questioned myself. I tell myself things.

None of this would've happened if I just greeted her. Kissed all her wounds. Tell her I loved her. Ate with her. Understood her.


I grasped my head and pulled my hair, but I knew it wasn't going to make anything okay.

I still loved her.

The doctor told me the news. She told me what had happened. It only made things worse for me. If only I had done something to not make her leave. Anything.

Even just a peck on the lips.

She gone.

It's my turn.

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