Cold!Lucy x Persistant! Fem!Reader

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"Lucy!!" I yelled as I heard her groan. I've had a not so little crush on Lucy ever since she's joined the guild. Ever since, I've been asking her out to a date at least once a week. If your gonna ask me why I keep on asking her, its because I really don't have a reason to stop. And I don't cry because I know that crying won't help anything.

"uh...Lucy! W-will you go out with me??" I blushed as I looked at the ground.

"Oh my god, Y/n! Stop already! I've said no to you for the past two years! I'm straight! Even if I was Lesbian, I wouldn't date you of all people in the whole world! And before you ask me what I would do if we both got stuck on an island together, I would probably kill myself than talk or be near you at all! Stay. Away. From. Me."
(Sheesh Luc, calm down...)

Her face was red with anger and so were her eyes. A single tear slipped from my eye as I take a shaky and slow breath.

Her eyes instantly soften and she tries to apologize. "A-ah...y/n-" " it's fine..." I let out a chuckle. "Well, now I have a reason to stop asking you out... sorry for bothering you the past couple of years..." More tears slip down my face as I walk out of the guild hall and go straight to my apartment.

Why...? Why do I cry now? Why? Why does it hurt so much more?

I blankly stare up at the ceiling as I keep asking these questions.

-(Lucy's POV)-

A tear slipped from her eye as she stared at me with sadness. Usually when I reject her she would still have a sliver of hope in her eyes that she would always hold onto and she wouldn't cry no matter what. Thats what I liked about her.

Now I just feel like I broke her.

Her whole posture immediately slumped and it seemed as if all color from her eyes were drained and was taken because of the tears that she was crying.

"A-ah...y/n-" " it's fine..." she chuckled. "Well, now I have a reason to stop asking you out... sorry for bothering you the past couple of years..."

Y/n walked out of the guild hall without her proud strides and happy smiles. Instead she left defeated and broken.

"W-wait! I- i didnt mean it!" I yelled as the guild doors closed.

-(Time Skip: 2 Days Later)-

I haven't seen Y/n in two days. It's starting to make me depressed.

It was now that I realized that the real reason that the whole guild smiled brightly was because Y/n was there....and now she's not.

That's it. I'm bringing Y/n back.

-(Time Skip/Author-chan being lazy: 15 Minutes)-

I practically blasted her door open with my leg.

I saw Y/n on her bed blankly staring at the ceiling. She then turned her head to look at me, at which she widened her eyes.

Quickly, she got up and made her way the the kitchen. "Wait! Y/n!" I tried catching up to her.

When I entered the kitchen, Y/n was in the corner with a knife to her neck. "WOAH! Y/n! D-don't do it!" Tears were now threatening to spill from my eyes. She pressed the knife against her neck even more.

"Y/n! Why are you doing this!?"

"You said that you'd rather die that talk or get near me!"

"I know I said that but why are you trying to kill your self!?" Tears now spilling from my eyes, blurring my vision.

"Well, is rather kill myself than have you die because of me!!" Tears now spilled from her eyes too.

"O my god! Y/n! No! Please, don't kill yourself for something stupid I said!"

"No! You said you would kill yourself and your not one to lie!" She then shut her eyes.

Panicking, I grabbed a knife from her drawer and pressed it to my own neck, causing her to widen her eyes in disbelief.

"If your going to kill yourself, then I will too!"

"Lucy, don't die because of me! Put the knife down!"

"Not until you do first!" I pressed the knife closer to my neck. Her eyes widen even more.

There was long silence before I pressed it closer to my neck, sensing that she wasn't going to drop the knife.

"NO!" She screamed before dropping the knife, causing me to do the same. She immediately ran to me and engulfed me into a hug.

She was sobbing into my shoulder as I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Don't die...please don't die..." she kept on repeating it over and over again.

"Y/n..." she was still murmuring into my shoulder. "Y/n!" She kept on sobbing uncontrollably.

I gently grabbed her chin and tilted her head to look up at me. I tilted my own head to the side as I leaned in, causing our lips to touch and butterflies come loose in my stomach. A soft pressure then started pressing back onto my own lips.

We pulled away from each other only for Y/n to start crying again. "I-I thought you hated me...I thought you were straight...?"

"I-I do.....? bad...."

She giggled her cute giggle that causes me to melt every time.

"You Dork"

Yuri Oneshots?? (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now