Fem!Jellal! x Heartbroken!Fem!Reader P2

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(Jellal's POV)

My fiancé hired body guards to escort me to his home. Honestly I thought it was totally unnecessary.

Then a familiar face with a huge smile flashed in my mind. Her hair was swept back as she faced the wind.

I remember that day. It was the day hat we both said our first 'I love you' to each other.

We were at the beach then, watching the sun set.

My breath hitched as I stopped in my tracks. The body guards continued on until they looked back and realized that I was no longer with them.
I cover my mouth and croutch to the ground with tears springing from my eyes.

Her smile. Her eyes. Her hair.

Her lips.

I shook violently as I cried, croutching on the pavement.
I looked up at the body guards and to the vehicle that would bring me to my new... "home".

"I-I can't do this." I stood up and wiped my eyes. I started backing away from the guards and eventually turned around and ran.
My vision started to blur again because of the tears so I wiped my eyes again.

I walked and ran back to my true home that was 3 miles away from where I was. I alternated between running and walking to get there as fast as I can and have time to rest.

-(Time Skip: 1hour & 45 mins later)-

I burst through the door of my home that was empty except for a picture frame of me and
Y/n. Tears sprung from my eyes again quickly falling to the floor.

Then I hear a sniffle. It came from my room.

I sprinted to my room to find a figure laying on it.


I quickly shake her to let her know I was here.

"Y/n!! Hey! I'm here! I'm back! I'm not going to marry that man or get that company! I'm gonna stay right here with you!!" I bantered as I try to shake her awake.

No response.

That was when I realized how cold she was.

"What? Wait! No. No. No. No. No!" I shook her even more. This time she turned over. Her eyes were open and she was looking at me but she wasn't responding or moving. She only followed me with her eyes.


She blinked and stared but didn't respond.

"Cmon! This isn't funny! Stop with the prank!"
I barked as my patience was running thin.

I then took a good look at her. Her skin was pale and cold. Her face was covered in tear stains with mascara. Her hands were trembling though it lay by her sides. Her breathing was very shallow. But the worst was her eyes. She was scared.

She looked like she was dying.

I then quickly pulled out my phone and dialed 911.
"Hang in there Y/n. I'm calling 911."

-(Time Skip: At the Hospital)-

"Uh...is anyone here named Jellal?"

I immediately stood up and speed walked to the doctor that had called my name.

"Yes?" I asked eagerly.

"It seems that she had a stroke but prior to that, she exprienced some form of a panic attack. We assume that the shock of the panic attack gave her that stroke." He adjusts his coat while writing on his clipboard.

"Can I see her?? Is she going to be okay? How did u know I was here?" I bombarded him with questions but he answered each one of them.

"Yes you can see her. She's recovering so don't be so harsh or loud. She will be fine in a few days and will be dispatched from here. And she kept on murmuiring your name while she was sedated. I don't know how that was possible."
He then stepped aside, only to be greeted with a gust of wind and a sound of quick foot steps.

I then back tracked to the doctor.

"I'm sorry, what room is she in?"


"Okay thanks!" I then sprinted towards the room.

When I got there, I took a deep breath and opened the door slowly.

"Hey, y/n?" I asked softly, afraid that I would break her.
She looked better now. The color was back into her face and she turned her head to me with the sweetest smile.

"So, you're going to marry him?" Her voice was shaky, expecting me to say yes.
She widened her eyes. "B-but your note that you-" I quickly cut her off.
"I'm not leaving you, Ever." Tears then spring into my eyes. "I could've lost you! I-I was so selfish and I wanted please the people around me. But I didn't think about you! A-and now your here in this hospital attached to these machines and I don-"

She also quickly cuts me off with a passionate kiss. It felt as if every ounce of love and passion was put into it.

It was hard to pull away but we needed to breath. But honestly I wouldn't mind if I died kissing her.

Once we did though, there was only one word that could discribe the feeling.

"Wow, indeed"

About less than a minute later doctors and nurses came crashing into the room.

They had different types of equipment with them.

"PATIENT IS...is....?"

"Doctor, I think she's fine."

The doctor turned to us while we tried not to laugh and giggle.

"Geez. Guys. Your cuteness got us worried. We sprinted in here as soon as the heart rate started speeding up like crazy. Sorry to interrupt." As they walked out the door, I followed them to close it.

The doctor then turned around once again and whispered with a wink.

"She's a keeper."

I smiled knowingly.

"I know."

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