Popular!Yukino! x Nerdy!Fem!Reader!

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⚠️Please excuse my language⚠️


(Your POV)

I was working on a science worksheet that was due in a few days.  I was also the only working on it in the whole cafeteria, or that what it seemed like.

On the table across from me, my crush, well crush is an understatement, was sitting facing towards you, typing away at her phone.

I stare for a while, once realizing this I began to just take quick glances at her. Her name? Yukino. She was the most beautiful person you've ever seen. I say seen because I've never really spoken to her.

Me on other hand have glasses. My hair is always unruly even after straightening and almost impossible to even put up into a pony tail.

I shake my head and focus on my worksheet in front of me.

Suddenly a flash emitted from the other table.

I look up from my work sheet to see a beet red Yukino murmuring 'shit. Shit.shit.shit.sit.shit.' as she hid her phone underneath the table. I chuckled and stood up from my seat and walked to where Yukino was.

I held out my hand for her phone.

"ah-ah I'm sorry for not asking permission i-i just -uh- like, I have this um... Thing that I need to do so, like....yeah..." she stumbled upon her words as she gave her phone to Me, still blushing.

I opened the camera app and pressed the front camera button. I made a peace sign with my fingers and smiled with closed eyes.


I turned off her phone and gave it back to her.

"All you had to do was ask" I stated while chuckling as her face got even redder.

"uh!" she started abruptly,"please go out with me!!" she stood up and bowed in front of me. Behind her, there was suddenly a crowd of her classmates holding up signs. Some said 'Say Yes!!' others had 'y/s/n' (your ship name) on them.

How did they find out!?

Overwhelmed, I also bowed while yelling "I would be great full to be able to got out with you!!" I shut my eyes, feeling my face grow hot every second.

The crowd cheered and congratulated us. Then the cheering died down but Yukino and I were still bowing to each other.

Both of us swear dropped and thought, 'what do I do now!?'

"OMG you guys r so totally awkward! Just get up and go on a date already!!"


I was suddenly pulled up to stand up right as Yukino had the same done to her. Another student then joined our hands together as both of us blushed an even darker red.

"Uh...I really like you...a lot..."

"Shut up"


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