Popular!(Your Fem OC) x Fem!Reader

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Ack! No-fuckin-shit. Run run run run run.

I sped across the hallways, opposite to he direction of where my crush was currently talking to her friends near her locker.

Did she see me? Nah. Good.

I make my way to the gym for PE and hang out in the locker room since I was a bit early.

I scrolled on my phone until I hear footsteps. I looked up to see (O/n) (Oc's Name) with her gym bag. I immediately look back down to my phone screen to look like I was busy.

Go away. Go away. Go away. Your not good for my blood preasureeeeee!

Of course she put her bag down and sat on one of the benches across From me. She took a glance at the time and started taking her shirt off.

Don't look. Don't look-WOA HELL DAMN-Stop stay calm.

My face turns a bright red. I can feel it. I look back at my phone and starts taking quick glances at her back. She looks down at her bra and seems annoyed. She doesn't have a sports bra and I'm guessing she didn't bring one either. She turns around to look at me with pleading eyes. "Y/n, do have an extra sports bra I could borrow?" Do normal girls share bras?? Cuz u know I'm not normal.

"I-Uh.." I dig around in my bag to atleast look like I was trying to help, but surprisingly I actually did have an extra bra. Where did that come from?? "Oh- well, yeah. Here." I walk over to where she was and gave her the bra. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" "No problem..."

I sit back down and look at my phone. It was almost time for PE and for people to start filling the room. I look up and look straight ahead at O/n and-

Is that- wh- am I-? Who? Huh? She- she? Omg. Shit. I looked I'm so sorry.

The sight that greeted me was O/n's naked back with no bra on. O/n slipped on the bra in one swift motion and caught me staring at her. She smirked and raised a perfect eyebrow.

Oh no no no no....ho no no no no.

O/n made her way towards me, weaving through some people, to get to me. She still had not put back a shirt on her body. So there was an extremely attractive girl walking towards me, half naked, and smirking.

I am so sorry for sinning.

Once she was within arm length, she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me towards the shower area. The area was unoccupied because it was only the beginning of PE.
    She turned my back towards the wall and gently pushed in my chest. This action forced me to back up until I was trapped by the wall and her arms on both sides of me. She was still wearing her rediculously hot smirk as she got close to my face. "Say, Y/n. I had my suspicions, but once I saw your naughty eyes scanning me up and down and lick your pretty lips earlier, my suspicions are gone and all I have are the facts. Y/n...you like me don't you?" O/n still had her smirk.
    "N-no...? What are you talking about?" I stammered. DID I REALLY CHECK HER OUT AND LICK MY LIPS!? WHAT AM I DOING?!
"Hm? But your previous actions say other wise?" She pouted and pressed our bodies together. Immediatly, a blush was shown on my cheeks. O/n seemed to be enjoying this as she smiled even more as she pressed our bodies even closer together. We were practically breathing eachother's air from how close we were. Her lips barely grazing mine. She let out a breath on purpose to let my lips feel her breath. Giving in to my temptations, I moved the extra centimeter and connected our lips together.
    O/n let out a soft but audible moan as we shared our kiss. She kissed back with the same amount of enthusiasm as I did. Once we pulled away, I couldn't help but peck her lips once again. "I...really like you..." I said shyly, avoiding her gaze. O/n put a finger under my chin and guided it to face her. She leaned in for another kiss that was gentle and loving. She placed her hands on my shoulders as I placed mine in her hips, touching some of her bare skin.

"I really like you too."

(Had this sitting there for a long time. Just finished it...

           -R(M).  )

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