(SU) Pearl x Human!Fem!Reader

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    Pearl and I have been dating for 2 years now. It's been the best two years of my life. I can't really say the same for Pearl though. She seems to be very reluctant to do anything with me that mentions or involves love. For example, dates. She never invites me on one. Not even a walk along the shore. When I suggest the idea, she says she needs "time" to think about it. I know she had a duty as a Crystal Gem but, c'mon, you're not going on a mission every single day. The worst part is that she still wants Rose. I get it that she was really important to her She was important to the other Crystal Gems too, Greg and Steven probably miss her the most! But, Pearl still being hung up on Rose is...is hurting me. In the little sleep she has, "Rose." The songs she sings, "Rose."

It's hurts.

    "Y-Y/n...let's stop here." Pearl pulled away from the kiss. We were in the floor with me straddling Pearl while her back was against the wall. I sadly nodded and got off of her but sat at the foot of her legs. "Pearl...we need to talk about our relationship." My shaky voice probably giving away that I was nervous. "Is it necessary for a couple to have yearly talks about their relationship? Did we miss last year's??" Pearl was starting to panic over the little things. It was cute in my opinion. "No, Pearl. Couples do it whenever they want to." I have a soft smile. I'm glad that I'm not touching Pearl right now...if I was I would give in and tell her "never mind".

    "You've never said that you loved me." I cracked a pained smile.

    I look carefully on the expression that Pearl gave me. The look was a panicked smile. "I-I can explain, Y/n-" "-you don't need to. I know why already." I kept the same smile crossed my legs. I kept my eyes fixated on her feet which was right infront of my crossed legs.
    "It's Rose," I started, "you still love her. With all your heart. The last two years you have givin me were the best. But I can't help but feel like you wished it were Rose in my place. And for that, I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I tried to take Rose's place." I wiped a tear that just exited my eye and sniffed. "I tried to be more mother like to Steven. I tried to have an inseparable bond with the gems. I tried to have a relationship with you..." I tried lookin. Somewhere other than Pearl's face. "...and in the end... none of it was meant to be....so, Pearl. This is goodbye." I stood up struggling and wiped more tears from by face. "Just know that for you this may be the most inconvenient two years for you, but not having those two years again will change me forever. So um...bye. This is what you call 'a break up', Pearl." I walked towards the door and opened it. I paused for a moment, wondering if she would stop me and say how she was wrong and she only loved me. Alas, there was only silence. More tears streamed down my face which I wiped away immediately and walked through the door, closing it behind me.
    I walked back to my apartment. On the way there, I am sure that I now have scratch marks on my face from wiping so much. The places under my eyes hurt and I needed a shower. After all that was done, I flopped on my bed and proceeded to cry my eyes out (*me 24/7*).
-(Time Skip: Later that Night)-

(Pearl's POV)

    It was already night time. Y/n hasn't come back. When she meant goodbye, did that mean she was leaving to eat dinner or coming back with groceries. I still don't know the ways of the humans. I was starting to worry. Did something bad happen when she was on her way here? Some of the information weren't wrong but...
    "Garnet, What does a break up mean? Y/n said we did something like that, even though it was just her talking." My question was left unanswered as I just got a stoic expression from her with crossed arms. I sighed and groaned at the same time. I am not going to ask Amethyst and Steven might be too young to understand. Connie? Will she know?-
    "You and Y/n broke up?" I heard a worried voice. Steven looked down on me from his bed.
"Yes...But you don't have to worry about it. Steven, I will get an explanation when Y/n comes back tonight. She rarely goes into her apartment anyways." I give him a reassuring smile and start to walk into the kitchen to make dinner for Steven and Y/n...and Amethyst.
    "Pearl, you don't know? A break up is when two people to used to love eachother don't love eachother anymore and say good bye to eachother for the last time." Steven said worriedly. But, doesn't that mean that if we say goodbye to eachother one last time, she will come back and stay with me forever?
    A smile broke out on my face. "So I will see her again? Just not tonight? Oh! So I don't need to make dinner for another person!" I exclaimed happily. "Pearl, no. That's not what that means." Garnet speaks up from the couch. "It means you'll never see her again."
    "Whaaaat?! Why?!" I almost dropped the spoon into the pot. "That must be some kind of mistake! She loves me! She told me that everyday!" I take the pot off the stove and moved towards Garnet. "That's just the problem. You didn't respond with the same amount of love that she gave you, giving her the impression that you love Rose more that you love her." Garnet still had not moved a muscle. I sat next to her giving me my full attention. "How can I have not shown her the same amount of love!? Do I need to cook her more food?" I heard Amethyst snicker in the backround but I ignored it. "It was within your actions. Telling her that you need time to decide whether or not to go on a date, only responding to those 'I love you's with a nod, and the biggest mistake was not being able to let go of Rose." Garnet fullyexplaind to me why I won't see Y/n again.
    "But! Rose was really important to me! We had something special!" "-exactly! But it's also that reason that the something special that you once had with Y/n is now no more! You caused another person important to all of us to leave!"
Garnet had never raised her voice that loud before. It was shocking. Then, a feeling of a stone falling from my throat to my stomach dropped.
    I saw a soft glow from Garnet and she unfused. Saphire had her back turned to me and was most likely crying. Steven jumped down from his bed and ran to comfort her. Ruby tried to jump at me but was held back by Amethyst. "You! She left because of you! She was our best friend!!" Over all the yelling, Amethyst yelled, "Go get her back! Don't comeback without her!" I nodded and mouthed a thank you and I darted out the door.

(Your POV)

    I finished taking a shower and flopped onto my bed once again with just my towel wrapped around me. "You'd do it for her..." I hummed to myself a bit. Reminding me that she was probably miserable with me.
    Then there was a gentle knock on my door. I walked over and opened it slightly, hiding my body behind the door. "Oh...uh....hi, Pearl." I was surprised. Was she here to take me back? Was she here to say what she didn't say?
    "Y/n...I love you." I felt my heart soar through the clouds as I smiled. "Are you sure...?" I asked, I didn't want this to be a prank. "Yes, I am 100% sure that I love you and only you." With that, she slammed her lips onto mine and kicked the door shut with her foot. With her being taller than me, she towered over me and I was forced to walk backwards. I tripped over the side of the couch and fell on top of it, Pearl's lips never leaving mine. When she pressed her body against me I realized that my towel was now not wrapped around me. It opened when I tripped.
    Reluctantly, I pulled away from the kiss. "Oh. Um...sorry, I just need to wrap myself and then I'll go put some clothes on." I tried to sit up but Pearl put her hand on my chest, forcing me back down.

"Keep it off."

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