Azula! x FireNationSoldier?Fem!Reader

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Y/n was scared. She didn't know how she had suddenly gotten into this position. One minute she was making dinner for her grandparents who she lived with, the next, she was on a ship below deck, Fire Nation Soldiers throwing armor onto her back along with other young people who were as confused as she was.
One soldier was left below deck to look after the prisoners, or now called, rookies.
"Hey! What's going on here?! You're just gonna kidnap us and hope that we do your dirty work for you!?" One rookie yelled. The soldier standing at the entrance to the room calmly stood in front of the young man. He opened his mouth to say a string of slurs but was shut up when the soldier kneed him in between his legs, causing him to crumple to the floor. The soldier then took the liberty of slamming the man's face into the wood floor with his foot.
After having his fun, the soldier stood back to his post, leaving the man on the floor to get up for himself. Y/n and the rest of the rookies stayed frozen, afraid that if they stepped out of line, the same thing would happen to them.
Y/n scanned the room, looking at all the faces of the people in the same room. There were a few girls, but most were men. She took a slow deep breath, a method of calming her nerves that her grandmother had taught her.
The ship started to rock back and forth, meaning that there were people getting off or getting on. One man came down from above deck. He had a different uniform, one of high status Y/n thought. He gave the rookie soldiers orders with a voice that boomed throughout the room.
"Attention! You have arrived at the place where you will be trained into dependable Fire Nation Soldiers. You try to escape, you will get the same treatment as Princess Azula's brother, Prince Zuko. Banished from the kingdom and shunned by all. Now go!" His voice was intimidating and it brought a shiver to Y/n's spine.
Everyone evacuated the room and got off the boat.

-(Y/n's POV)-

As I got off the boat, I took in all of my surroundings. There seemed to be a lot of men in the area and a little women. One woman I saw looked scary. Her hair was tied up and some strands were left out of the bun to frame her face. She was quite attractive if you ask me. 'Wait a minute. Isn't that the clothes that the roya-' before I could finish the thought, I felt something slide from the back of my thigh to my butt. Immediately, I jump away from the touch and turn around.
"Hey! Don't touch m-" a hand clamped over my mouth and I struggled. Soldiers in the area stopped what they were doing and stared at me and the soldier holding me. They did nothing to help me.
I tried biting his hand and he yelped in surprise, taking his hand off my mouth. "You bitch!"
He tried taking off the armor I was given but I was giving him a hard time. I writhed in his hold, twisting everywhich way, stomping on his foot, and even biting his arms.
Somehow, he managed to rip my shirt. It was suddenly so breezy as it was ripped down the middle. I heard whistles from all around me from men who watched in amusement. Embarrassed, I fall to the floor, crouching to cover my exposed breasts with my arms. Tears made way to my eyes. 'Why is this happening to me? All I wanted to do was to live a peaceful life where I could ignore the war.'
The man grabbed my hair and tilted my head up. "Please. Why are you doing this?" I sobbed between hiccups.


A harsh and womanly voice broke through the crowd. The man let go of my hair and took a step back. Afraid of what punishment I would get, I looked straight down onto the the ground right in front of me.

"Throw him into the sea." The harsh voice said once again. Murmurs were heard in the crowd. But no one moved. "You heard me! Now get him out of my sight!" A series of 'right away's and 'yes, Princess' was heard. Not long after, I heard the man yelling and struggling against other soldiers who were most likely loading him onto a boat and sailing off, where they would throw him into the sea to die.
Before I could bring up the courage to stand up, a pair of pointy shoes made its way in from the corner of my eyes to where I had my eyes on the ground. I felt a towel being thrown onto my head and the harsh voice from before came back. But this time, it didn't seem as threatening. "Wrap this around you and follow me." The pair of shoes turned around but didn't move from their place. "Come on. I don't have all day." Summoning the courage I had, I lifted my head and stood up. Maybe a little too quick as I got dizzy and my vision darkened. Swaying a bit in order to steady myself, I felt a pair of hands adjust the towel on my shoulders and held me steady. When my vision cleared up, I was staring into the most beautiful golden eyes.
  "P-princess..." I stuttered out.
  "Save it. Just follow me. I can't bare to see your naken chest swinging around." She quickly turned and led the way, not sparing a glance to look behind her to make sure I was following. She knew I was following because she knew that no one would dare defy her.
    Thinking about her words a bit more as I followed her into a mysterious building, I couldn't help but feel a bit offended by her remark. 'What the hell did she mean that she couldn't stand to see my breasts? They aren't saggy are they??'
    I was too caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice how she had stopped in front of a door. I walked right into her back and stumbled forwards, causing her to do the same. I heard her growl, "Watch it," before heading into the room, and going straight to a dresser.
    I waited awkwardly at the entrance of the room, taking in the decorations. There wasn't much. Just a bed and a fan exposed above the headboard of the bed. 'Cool fan.'
    "Are you going to come in or are you going to stand there like you've never seen a bed before?" The Princess questioned me without taking her eyes away from her clothes in the dresser.


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