Aquantence!Outgoing!Fem!Crush!OC x Shy!Fem!Reader

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     "Yo, what's up!?" (O/n) walks into the classroom and high fives our teacher. She smiles the signature smile of hers that is incredibly contagious. I smile while her back is turned to me and change my facial expression when she turns back around. She can't know that I was looking at her. I pull out my notebook and a pen, getting ready for class.
   She was already on the other side of the room when she turned around and thought out loud to herself. "Dang, I forgot to put my phone on the podium." I had already put mine up there because it was a way to know who was present during class. Jokingly, (O/n) pretended to throw her phone across the room onto the podium. Me, being the idiot I was, followed the phone with my head to watch where it would land. Instead of hearing a thud, I hear a giggle as (O/n) walks passed me with her smile. "You weren't even surprised when I "threw" my phone!" I giggled with her, but not without making sure my teeth were not exposed. I just had lunch the period before, I don't want her seeing stuff in my teeth.
    She sat back down in her seat right as the bell rung and it was now time for class to start.
For the rest of the class I thought of (O/n).
She's been through a lot and I can tell by how often she smiles. Her smiles hide pain, yet they are genuine. Like she's savoring every moment she has wishing it would carry on forever. She has a pretty good school life. Many friends. Many people who are fond of her. Probably many people who like her too, not just me. But she's taken.
    She's taken by the nicest boy in the grade. He cares for her, is kind to her, walks her to classes and asks if he could hold her hand before grabbing it without thought. He gets into fights defending her, but only when he needs to. She's lucky. He's lucky. They have eachother.-
    "Y/n! You're partners with (O/n) for this project, along with (Guy#1) and (Guy#2). 'Kay guys! Move towards your partners!" The teacher's voice boomed throughout the classroom. Fuck.
    I grab my backpack and shuffle towards (O/n), who waits patiently at her desk. She spots me and pats the seat next to her, motioning for me to sit there. I nod and settled down.

Fuck, why? This is so cliche.

-(Time Skip: After School)-

    God, I love her! Her hair glows in the sun, her smile birghtens anyone's mood. She is perfect. My hand brushed against hers when working on the project and my heart rate would increase. She's so kind hearted and funny. It kind of makes me jealous.
    She talks to all these people, meaning almost everyone. But not me. I can't hold a conversation with a cashier, let alone my crush.
I already know this but we honestly aren't meant to be. So why do I still have a crush on her? It's because I'm a wimp and can't move on.
Awe. I don't want to go to school anymore.

-(Times Skip: Next morning)-

    My dark circles under my eyes were extremely dark today. I couldn't sleep because of my daydreaming of what I could be when I grow up, my future.
    I feel touch starved. I long to be touched and hugged. People assume I don't want to be touched because I don't hug them back, really, I just don't know how to hug. My arms don't know where to go and my head struggles to not rest my head on their shoulder and pull the person closer.
    I walk into the only class I have with (O/n) and sit next to her for our project. "Oh my god, Y/n, you look dead." Her eyes showed concern and kindness. She reached out to place her hand on my forearm. "Are you okay?" She asks. I just want to hug you. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I give her the best closed mouth smile I could muster.
    "I will make it my duty to make you smile today." Her face showed determination and eagerness. "I will even go home with you and sleep over if it means it will make you smile." Her expression unchanging.
    "O-oh...okay..." I gave a small smile.
"And I am going to make you smile the biggest you have ever smiled ever." She breaks into her contagious smile turns her attention to the project.

-(Time Skip: After classes)-

    I grabbed my phone off the podium and walked out into the open campus and sighed. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around. "I thought this would help make you smile." She nervously states. I follow her gaze to what was in her hands and my eyes widen. In her hands were two slushies, one red, one brown. "So which one do you like? Raspberry or Cola?"
I pointed to the cola and she gave it to me. "Do I need to pay you back or something? I have money in my wallet-" "No! no! It's my mission to make you smile. So I will not let you pay me back." She raises her eye brows and takes a sip of the red goodness. Ah, the look she's giving me. I nod in a quick manner and sip my own drink, smiling at the taste.

God how I wish I could kiss you goodbye.

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