Violet Evergarden x Lonely!Hospilatlized!Fem!Reader! (Part 2)

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    "...she turned with her back against wall, hate in her eyes. 'This better be.'

    And the end! How was it Y/n?" Violet closed the book and set it on her lap.
    "It was great! I hope the next book comes out soon!" I smiled and took her hand into mine. "When will you be able to visit me again?" I asked.
"I don't know, I'm being sent to another city in the morning tomorrow, so it may take a while." She squeezed my hand and smiled. "But as soon as I come back, I will come straight here."
    "Thank you...I love you Violet...." A deep red tainted my cheeks and ears as I struggled to keep eye contact with my lover. Red also dusted her cheeks and she glanced away. "I...I love you too..." she smiled at our entertwined hands.
    Violet looked at the clock on the wall of my room and sighed. "I must take my leave now, Y/n" sorrow was prominent in her voice. I also took a look at the time. The clock was set at 10:00 pm. "I wish I could stay longer but it will be a long trip and my boss wants me to be fully rested." She moves closer and hugged me as I sat, propped up on pillowes on the hospital bed.
    "I understand. Be safe." I said as she stood up and started for the door.
    "I will. Good Bye." She turned before walking out the door and did a little solute and smile before turning back around.

    Violet and I have agreed to become lovers a couple weeks ago. So far, all has been well. She visited me regularly and the nurses know who she is now. During this time, Violet improved in her communications skill and sounded more like a professional business woman rather than a military leader. Im happy for her.
    I guess you can say that I changed a bit too. I was motivated to get better and because of that, my health was slightly improving. I love her. I often wonder if I would have been dead if it hadn't been for Violet entering my life. Still, I am very ill. My life expectancy has extended but only for so long.
    What happens if I die when Violet is away? What will I do if she just doesn't come back? Will I ever be able to stand and dance with her like she admired in the books?
    Many questions filled up my mind and some contributed to stress and anxiety.

When I die, I hope Violet will forgive me.

-(Time Skip: A few Weeks)-

(Violet's POV)

    I push open the door to the hospital building and walk to the counter, my anticipation rising to see Y/n again.
    When I looked at the person behind the counter they seemed foreign and troubled. "U-um! Hi! What can I help you with today?" Her voice seem higher that her usual voice would've been. I'm assuming it's her first day on the job.
    "I'm just visiting someone that is in the S. Department department today."
    "Yeah! Sure thing." She turned around to retrieve the files that I had to sign for each visit I paid.
    "Hm...okay, so whom will you be visiting in the department?"
    "Y/n. L/n"
    There was a long pause and a confused expression was etched onto her face.
    "That's weird." She flipped through many papers before speaking again, "there isn't anyone in the department with that name."

What? How could this be? Did I come to the wrong hospital? But this is the only hospital in town.  What other department could she be in?

Did Y/n pass away?

    My heart rate spiked at the thought. The one who brought the meaning of love to me could be dead. She could've died while I was out of town. She would've died alone. I should've stayed. Maybe even just a little longer.
    I kept my eyes trained on the counter as tears slid down my face. I did my best to wipe my tears with my sleeves but they only soaked up the tears and spread it on my face.
    My heart felt like it was pierced with a spear and it drove its way through my back. The butterflies that flew around in anticipation in my stomach now lie dead at the bottom and lay heavy.
    I let out an audible sob and sink to the floor, my dress pooling around me.
    "Ma'am!" The woman ran around the counter and kneeled down to comfort me. She hugged around my shoulders loosely. Like Y/n when we first hugged. This caused me to let out another sob.
    The door behind the counter opened and the nurse that would regularly tend to Y/n walked through.
    "Mavin, there is an update on one of our patients-Good lord! Violet?"
    Hearing our names Mavis and I look up at the nurse.
    "Oh what a misunderstanding this is!" The nurse looked around frantically, "Come, Violet. Y/n has been waiting for you"
    Immediatly, my ears perked up. "Y/n has been waiting for me? But-"
    "She was transferred to another department this Sunday because her health was recovering and she no longer needed to stay in the Special rooms that her previous department had."
    With this news, I stand up, as well as Mavis. "Can you please take me to her room?" I was desperate to see Y/n now. I can't believe I thought she was dead.
    The nurse led me to Y/n's new room and slowly opened the door. I, on the other hand, was cursing the nurse in my mind for taking so long.
    I ran into the room and engulfed Y/n in a tight hug. Relief washed over me in every place and I inhaled the Y/n's scent. She hugged back with equal amount of tightness and I let my sobs run freely.
    I was now sobbing into my lover's shoulder as she hugs me and cradles my head, playing with my hair.
    "Hey, Hey...why are you crying?"
    "They said you weren't in the S. Department so I thought you died!"
    If Y/n really did die, I wouldn't be able to live without her. I wouldn't be able to live with out her perfect smile, contagious laugh, passionate hugs, and kind gestures when days got tough.
    "I love you so much, Y/n." I muttered into her ear.
    "I love you too." I heard her mutter back. Her fingers kept playing with my hair until I pulled away from the hug. By now, the nurse was gone and gave us some alone time.
    We stared into eachother's eyes and my gaze was lower onto Y/n's lips. As we both looked at eachother's lips, we leaned and let them connect, releasing fireworks from under my eyelids. The sensation of her soft lips pressing against mine was extraordinary.
    Once we pulled away, I couldn't help but trace my thumb over her lips. I actually kissed these insanely soft lips. These lips I have kissed belong to Y/n.
    Tears were present once again as I hugged her tightly once more.

     "I don't ever want to live a life without you...."

    "Me neither. So will you stay by my side as my health gets better?"

"Of course."

(S. Department : Special Department.
I know right? Such originality.

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