Fem!Popular!Eren x Bullied!Reader

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Ever since Eren took down the biggest bully in school, Colin Titan, she's been getting more and more popular everyday, especially from her "secret admirers". I, unfortunately, am one of them. I was one even before she took Colin down. The way her brown hair sways in a ponytail, her green eyes like emeralds, it drives me crazy. But I know I won't get a chance with her.
But there's one more problem. The biggest school bully has become my predator. Me, being the prey.
After every school day, he waits for me at the school gates so he can slam me into it or grabs my book bag and throws everything in it to the floor. Of course he never does this in public, but now I wonder if anyone would even do anything if they saw me getting bullied.

I guess the world may never know

I was putting my things away at my locker until I hear a big crash from both sides of me. I swiftly trim around and, my luck, it was Colin. He has me pinned to the locker infront of everyone. They turn their heads towards us but they do nothing. Nothing?! Really?! Colin closes my locker behind me with a slam. I flinch and he chuckles. Still nothing from the crowds. "What do you want, Colin?" I spat. "Ah...attitude. Better shut your trap. " he spats back. "Or wha-" he grabs my face and slams the back of my head into the locker and walks away.

I stumble a bit, the slam got me dizzy. I stumbled, trying to get the books that I dropped from the floor, students watching. After a while the dizziness got worse to I leaned against the wall. I slowly slipped to the floor. Then non other than Eren walks into the hall and spots me slouching against the wall. I smile sheepishly and frown as the halls start spinning. I feel a warm and wet substance trailing down the back of my neck. I reach to feel it but it wasn't water. My eyes widened at what I saw. I must've hit my head on the lock somehow, because now the back of my head was bleeding. There was ringing in my ears as muffled yells came from Eren at the students for not helping me.
She then picked me up bridal style as the halls starts spinning even more. I hear muffled gasps and whispers, but I didn't care.

Before I knew it, I was in the nurse's office and she was holding a bandage and an ice pack to my head.

After my head was cleared and my vision wasn't spinning, I notice that Eren was still sitting in the room. "Um...t-thank you for taking me here..." I stutter as my face flushes red. "No problem!" She then does her smile that makes my heart to flips. I feel my face turn to a darker red if possible. "Eh....? Are you okay?" She asks concerned. "Y-yea!" I stutter once again. She then lifts up my bangs and puts her forehead against mine. "I-I...u-h......." Now my face was heating up like crazy. She's never been so close to me before!!!!! Right then, I was being transported to somewhere in my imagination. Then I feel a trickle down my lip.

She pulls back and panicks. "Oh shoot! Uh...are you okay!?" She yells. I nod vigorously. "I'm okay! Never been better!" As I give her a smile and a thumbs up. She then gives me tissues to clean my bloody nose (What were you thinking about huh?).

"Are you okay?"





"Do you really care about me?"

I slowly turn my head towards her as her eyes widen. "Why would you ask that? Of course!" She exclaimed.

"Well...I asked because no one really cared if I got hurt. So I thought that you did it because other people were looking and stuff. I also thought that you helped me here so that I would owe you something. Bu-" I was then cut off by Eren. "No. I did it because I care for you...." She mumbled the last part.

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