Cana x Shy!BestFriend!Fem!Reader!

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Cana and I have been best friends since...well...since forever. When Cana would remind Gray about his cloths, I would be right behind her giggleing and would throw Cloths at Gray.

Truth be told, I admire her. But it's not really admiration. It's like love.

So,I, Y/n, am hopelessly in love with my best friend.


I sat with Cana at the bar, watching her chug down barrels of alcohol. Honestly, it was cute.

Suddenly, Lucy and Team Natsu came bursting through the guild doors.
"WERE BAAACK!!" The pink headed boy screamed through the guild.
The guild was filled with cheers from guildmates then slowly died down.

As I turn towards Cana I open my mouth to speak but get cut off by Lucy.
"Hey Cana! How'ya doing?" Instantly, Cana's face flushes with excitement. Oh yeah. She has a crush already.

"I-I'm fine Lucy. Thanks." She then concentrate on her booze once again, trying to hide her blush. "Geez, you'd be great if you'd stop with the booze." Lucy sweat dropped as she slip into a stool next to Cana and wrapped her arm around her waist. Cana immediately blushed a dark crimson red from the base of her neck to the tip of her ears.

The sight made my heart break a little. Knowing that I will never be the reason that she acts that way. I let out a sad sigh and looked at the job board. I found one that looked like it would take a couple of days, just enough to clear my mind.


-(Time Skip: After Job)-

Honestly that job couldn't even be counted as a challenge.

I open the door and keep my head low as I walk to my usual spot at the bar. Before I could arrive though, a strong arm grabbed me from behind and dragged me outside on the side of the guild. Cana stood there in all here glory, sober...for once.
"Y/n!! I don't think I can do this!!" Cana whisper-yells. "D-do What Cana?" My voice was shaky. Is it bad? "I don't don't think I can confess to Lucy."

There goes the stitches in my heart that Cana helped put back together. My heart clenched and my stomach dropped. I forced a smile though, the feeling of happiness quickly draining.
"Oh cmon Cana, your the bravest person I know. You can do it!" I gave her a thumbs up and another fake smile. Luckily, I have used that fake smile so much that it's officially seen as my genuin smile.

"Are you sure? I mean, she's right around the corner and I don't think I'm ready-" I quickly cut her off. I grabbed both her hands. "You can do this! Now go get 'er!" I spun her around and pushed her from behind so she was in clear view of Lucy.

"Wai-oh. H-hi Luce." With that, she made her way over to Lucy with a blush.

I slowly slid down against the wall, hugging my knees to my chest. My smile dropped and so did my tears. Am I really okay with this? Of course I am. I'm just her best friend. Why am I so sad?

I knew exactly why.

I love her. I love my best friend.

I beat my hand against the ground beneath me.
I LOVE MY BEST FRIEND. I'm discusting! I-I hate myself for loving my one and only friend.

-(Flash Back: 10 Years)-

I tried to put my hair into a pony tail but my hair just somehow slips out of its place. I try again until I'm pretty sure the whole guild is wondering why my hands are stuck in my hair. I let out a frustrated huff.

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