(RWBY) Velvet! x HeartBroken!Fem!Reader!

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(I thought that Velvet should be given a bit more attention...)

(Velvet's POV)

Let me fill you in on some things. Y/n and I were a couple. I say "were" because recently, we had broken up. Well, I broke up with her. It was for a good cause though. Cardin. He threatened to hurt Y/n if I didn't stay away from her. Why? I have no idea. I wasn't going to take any chances. So I did as I was told.
Being the timid person I am, initiating a conversation with Y/n first, and a conversation about breaking up at that, of course she was shocked. I was expecting it. I was hoping that we could still be friends but the overwhelming guilt only drove me to avoid her at all costs. Now I see a change in her. It's not like it's a bad change. I feel that it was a good one. It was her grades that changed. She used to be an average student with average grades. Now, she makes aces left and right. So, I guess the break up was for the best. I'm two years older than her so right now, she should be a first year here at Beacon(Sorry, Idk what Year Velvet is in).

Back to the present, I sat down next to Yang at the lunch table. This was a perfect spot since Y/n's team sat at the other side of the Cafeteria. I liked sitting at Team RWBY's table along with team JNPR because I felt like they understand me the best.
After a while of silence at the table after I had sat down, Yang speaks up. "Hey Velvet." I paused, mid scoop in my food. "Yes?" I replied a bit timidly. "Why do you refuse to tell Y/n about the reason behind your break up? We all know, so why can't Y/n?" Yang turns to me. All eyes were on me, making me feel a bit nervous. I sighed. "I don't want her to know because if she knew, she would confront Cardin about it and it would only give him more of a reason to hurt her." I look down sadly at my food as I put my spoon down. I have lost my appetite.
"You know, your break up hurts her a lot more than it hurts you. Sure, you look sad but Y/n has changed completely." I looked at Yang in confusion, urging her to go on. Then Ruby speaks up. "Oh yeah your right. She's acting kind of how she did at Signal. Or in other words, before she met you." Ruby held her spoon up and closed her eyes as if she had just given a great speech. "B-before she met me? What do you mean? I only saw her grades change." Confusion nipped at me a bit more aggressively that before.
"She and I were in the same class so I would know." Yang started, "Before she met you, she was perfect." I gave Yang a look that basically said 'and she isn't perfect now?' Yang rolled her eyes and continued while absent mindedly swirling her food. "She had perfect posture, hair style, eyes, grades, clothes, and basically everything. But when she met you, everything changed. She didn't mind walking out of the dorm with an untucked shirt. She didn't mind the peice of hair that stuck out of her head. She didn't care all that much because she knew that you would care and love her anyway possible. That's how much she loves you." Yang shifted in her seat as I was now leaning on the table.
"Now, thinking that you have fallen out of love with her, she reverted to her past self that she was at Signal, hoping that she would somehow regain your love." I stared at Yang in shock. I soon stood up from my seat and got on my tippy toes to get a look at Y/n. Indeed, her hair was perfect and her shirt was neatly tucked in. But her smile. It was fake. She fake smiled at her team mates because she knew they would worry for her. I quickly then sat back down. "But that's not really the worst part." Yang started again. Everyone was intrigued by Y/n's story and was staring intently at Yang. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ruby's eyes sadden as she too, put down her spoon. I guess she knows what Yang is talking about now.
"Y/n...had a unique diet when she was at signal." By now Yang had also put down her spoon. "She felt the need to make everyone think she was at least the slightest bit perfect. So she made a diet plan, but it was a bit extreme. When she first started it, her parents got so concerened that they brought her to the doctors. There, they concluded that she may have anorexia." Yang took a breath. "Her diet only included her eating an apple for breakfast and a sweet potato for dinner. It's amazing how she did a whole 2 years of it and still had energy to train as hard as she did. After you guys got together here at Beacon, she stopped her diet because she knew you loved her."
Once again I stood up on my tippy toes and looked at Y/n. Since it was lunchtime and her diet didn't call for anything for lunch, she only had a bottle of water infront of her. Once seeing that, I fell back onto my seat as I grabbed my head and rested my elbows on the table. "S-she's hurting herself...f-for me..." I stuttered in disbelief. "D-do you think it would be okay for me to tell her? For me to tell her that I still love her and that Cardin threatened to hurt her?" I turned and asked Yang desperately. Yang gave an encouraging smile and held my arm. "Y/n is strong, she can easily beat Cardin's ass." "Th-thanks...so? Do I do it now or do I wait?" I turned between team JNPR and team RWBY. "Go get her!" Nora yelled. I nodded nervously and started to make my way to Y/n's table.

Suddenly, there was a force on the back of my knees that caused my knees to buckle from underneath me and fall. "Uh-oh, where do you think your going, faunus?" Oh How i hate that voice so much. "If you must know, Cardin. I am on my way to greet my girlfriend an 'I love you'." I got back up and dusted my skirt and started to walk away only to be grabbed harshly by the ears. "And what good would that do to you, freak?" I grit my teeth. "It would get this jerk named Cardin off my Y/n's back and he would leave her and I alone." I spat. I was released from my ears but Cardin had stood up and slapped me across the face. The force of the slap was so great that it knocked me to the ground after I hit my head on the corner of the table, releasing a loud thump and clatter of plates on the table.
    The whole room had frozen. Appeariantly, teasing and grabbing a Faunus by the ears is acceptable but slap a girl and everyone's head turns. From team RWBY's table, a yell was heard. "YOU LITTLE-" suddenly a fist collided with Cardin's jaw knocking him off his feet. Yang continued to yell at him while he was on the floor. "First you caused two of my friends to  break up with eachother my threatening them! Then when you see the girl try to get her girl back, you humiliate her! Then you SLAP her!? Boi! If you weren't a student, you would already be on your way to Saturn on a one way trip!" Yang screamed at Cardin, making the whole building shake. Her eyes were red and glowing.
    I, on the other hand, was clutching my head and the wound that was created from the table corner. In less that a minute, I was being carried to the infirmary in the arms of Y/n. When I was laid in the bed, Prof. Ozpin tended to my wound dispite repeating that it didn't hurt that much because of my aura. After Y/n had told him everything that happened in the lunch room, he left to retrieve Cardin and have a talk with him.

    There was a temporary silence in the room until Y/n spoke up. "So...was everything that Yang said true? That he threatened us and our relationship?" She looked at me in the eyes until the most loving way possible. "Y-yeah, he threatened to hurt you. I'm really sorry about not telling you. I just felt so guilty for doing it so suddenly." I started to look away afraid of the look she would give me. But Y/n only cupped my cheek and turned my face to face her. As if she was desperate but not wanted to come off needy, she quickly atteched her lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync and tears slid down our eyes. I moved my hands to her jaw too and cupped it, bringing us closer.
    Once we pulled away, it was as if stars had made their way present to only us through eachother's eyes. We were happy.

"I don't give a damn what threat they throw our way. I will never let you go again." I whispered against her lips.

"Neither will I. I'll never let go."

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