Lucy Heartfilia(Fairy Tail) x Vampire!Fem!Reader (Requested)

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(Lucy's POV)

We were finally heading home after a quest. Once again, Natsu decided to take Team Natsu on a S class mission. Take out a dark guild before it grows in power and over throws the whole world.

The guild was pretty strong, considering that they managed to knock out Gray and Natsu at the same time for a couple of hours.

Right now, we are on the train with torn cloths. Erza couldn't wear her usual armor because all of them had some kind of damage like holes and uncomfortable dents. So she wore her sleeves shirt and skirt.

We arrive at the guild but something was off about it. There was no noise, no fighting.

We open the doors hesitantly and what awaited us was horrifying.

All the guild members were either on the floor or slumped over the tables. It looked like there wasn't much of a fight though.

"Natsu, Gray. Come with me and check if they're still alive. Lucy. Check around if there is any sign of the person who did this." Erza said in her usual tone, staying calm. We all nodded and went separate ways.

I walked into the bar and heard a thud. It sounded like someone dropping to the floor. I unlocked my whip and got into fighting stance.
I slowly walked around the corner and saw Mira on the floor, she was pale and hardly breathing. I start to run towards her but a voice stopped Me.

"I wouldn't do that."

I quickly turned and held my whip ready. "who are you?!" I yelled. I heard more thumps and a crash. Then the voice spoke again.


"Show yourself " I demanded.

Immediately, a robed figure came out of the shadows and pulled off their hood. There stood a beautiful woman with pale skin and pure black eyes.

"I really didn't think that I would be so submissive to a human but your an exception." she smiled.


"oh. I'm terribly sorry about that. I just felt hungry. " 

She was a Vampire

"Don't worry, their blood will soon come back. It was just temporary." She spoke again.

"ERZA!" I yelled, only for it to echo through the guild hall. "Natsu!? Gray!?" I yelled once again, not tearing my eyes away from the beautiful vampire.

"About that. I knocked them out so they can't really do anything." She spoke. "Sorry 'bout this Beautiful but right now you need to sleep." Her eyes went from pitch black to bright red in less than a second.

Then the darkness enveloped me.

-(Time Skip: Few Hours in Your Castle)-

(Your POV)

What do I do!? ....maybe I can convince her to become my source of blood? After all the blood comes back after a day, I would have to make sure I don't drink all of it.

I had tied the beautiful stranger to the wall so she couldn't get away. I didn't get her blood yet, I can't wait a whole day to just aske her if I could have her blood so I just knocked her out.

I hear a slight shuffle. Eagerly I run toward the wall and sit with my legs crossed across from her. "Uh-uh...hello?" I asked, poking her cheek.
"Hmmm...? Oh! U-uh what!?" She was blushing. Cute.

"Can you become my supply of blood??" I tilted my head to the side. "No." She let out a huff of frustration. "And can you let my arms go?" She spoke again.

"No. What's your name?"


"will you become my blood partner?"


Then an idea popped into my mind.

Under my robe was a tank top so I let one side of it slide down and I straddled her waist. "Why not?" I smirked as I heard her gulp. "B-because...." I stood up and straddled her waist once again so I could get into a more comfortable position. "S-sorry" I murmured.
"Why?" I said as I leaned close to her face. I then put my hands on her shoulders and leaned in so my lips were almost touching her ear.

"Don't you wanna be mine?" I whispered in the most velvety voice I could make. I smiled when I felt her shiver under me. I slightly nibbled on her earlobe just to tease her. I then heard a low moan.

I quickly pull back and sit on the floor with my legs crossed once again with a satisfied smile on my face. "So?..." I asked, eager for the answer. "No....?" She answered hesitantly. I then put the most seductive smile I could muster. "Yes." She finally answered with a beat red face. "You're a needy little one aren't you?" I said with the same velvety voice. "Yes..." she almost whispered. "I bet you like getting dominated like this don't you?" I asked as I straddle her waist once again. She nods and gulps. "Better get used to it because it's going to happen a lot now." I licked my lips and stood up. I unhooked her from the wall and she stood up too. "You have to introduce me to the guild too." I said Happily as I slipped my hand in hers.

"Oh! And also! Come closer." She leaned toward me as I looked at her neck. I licked my lips once again. "You said you would become mine. No?" I asked. Before she could respond, I sunk my fangs into her neck and made sure that she would turn into a vampire and be mine forever. After a few seconds I unlatched myself from her and slowly let her fall to the ground.

I grinned.

"This is going to be great!"

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