Chapter 3

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I walk I to the lounge and see who's yelling. It was the twins and Ethan yelling at eachother. " What is going on here " Sean yells causing the boys to stop and turn to Sean. " This idiot started saying things about Shayla " Gray says pointing at Ben's little brother. " What was he saying " I ask as I glare at Ethan (Ben's little brother). " Oh nothing, just the fact that you don't know the truth about Grayson " he says. " Listen you little troll, I'm not gonna have you messing up my relationship because you ruined the one we had a almost 2 years ago " I tell him. " I'm not trying to ruin it, I just want to make sire you know absolutely everything about Grayson " he says with a sly smile. " Don't you think I should be the one to tell her " Gray says, absolutely annoyed at this point. " Well you had over a year to tell her at this point so times up. Well I don't know if you know about their family problems but apparently it isn't a happy ending for them " he says. " I already know about their dad and what happened, I've known since the beginning and I'm still here " I say with anger. Ethan seriously just brought their family into this. " How about all the girls Grayson dated before you two started dating " he says. " Yeah 4 girls between 8th grade and 11th grade " Grayson says. I had heard rumors about there being more girls but they might have been just rumors. " What about those girls at all those parties " Ethan asks. " It's called a rumor, they are 95% of the time never true " Grayson replies and I notice Aiden was watching us. " Well is this a rumor, your brother Aiden only bullied Shayla because he had a crush on her " he says and I'm shocked. Aiden hears him and walks over " listen you little twerp, I don't think you would like it if I started saying stuff about Ben so how about you leave my brother alone. Also I never had a crush on Shayla, my friends thought it would be funny to mess with one of the freshman and Shayla was the first person they saw, it wasn't up to me." " Why you being so defensive " Ethan asks with a smirk. " Because Grayson is my brother and Shayla is his girlfriend and my friend. You can try all you want but you can't break them up because you're jealous. You just can't except the fact that you cheated and you messed up. She is happy now and you need to move on " Aiden says and Ethan looks mad. Ben walks over to us and looks confused " Ethan, I called mom and dad, they're here to pick you up so go before you cause more trouble and I'm going to talk to them tonight about whatever happened here." He walks out and everyone looks at me. I walk off and gonto my room. Grayson quickly runs after me which I was happy about because I needed to talk to him. " Is there anything you want to tell me, even if it happened in middle school or high school " I say. " Those girls I dated in middle and high school, they were only to make you jealous and they knew what I was doing so they wouldn't think that more would happen. I have gotten in a few fights but they weren't bad, a few punches thrown then we both walk away. You know about my family but there is one thing you don't know, we have a sister named Cameron. She has done some videos with us in the past but I don't  think you have seen those. The last thing is Ethan did see Caitlyn looking at your social media a few months before you guys met. He didn't say anything about it at the time cause he assumed it was one of her friends then forgot about it. That's all you need to know about me that you don't know yet. Is there anything you need to tell me?"

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