Chapter 17

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" Love that we are playing a Ouija board at 3am when your sister is coming tomorrow " I say. " Oh well " they both say in unison then set up the board. I hit the record button and they start doing the intro. " We also have Shayla who will be playing with us cause we are two grown men scared to do this by ourselves " E says looking at the camera. " Alright Shayla come sit down and we can start " Gray says. I sit on his left with E across from me. We circle the board three times then all look at eachother. I sigh when I realize they want me to ask the first question. " Well I don't want to get haunted so I just want to say we mean no harm or to offend you in any way " I say to no one in particular. " Is there anyone here willing to talk to us " I say and it starts slowly moving to yes. " Do not freak out and take your hand off or I will kill you guys " I say to the twins when I notice E tense up. " Should we ask them their name " Gray asks. " Only if it wants to tell you " I tell them. " Can you tell us your name " Gray asks and it stays moving. It slowly spelled out Lily. " So its a girl " E says and it moves to yes. " How old are you " I ask. It moves to 1 then 9. " 19 so she probably older by a few months cause we are about to be 19 " E says. " Did you die here " Gray asks. " I don't think you should ask how she died " I say. " Why not " Gray asks as E looks worried. " Well you're brought up something that could be hard for her and she may not want to talk about or it could anger her if it was horrible." " Yeah maybe we shouldn't know " Gray says then the piece starts moving fast. It spelled out run about 5 times then moved to goodbye. " She said goodbye just say goodbye back and put it in the box. We all say goodbye then E quickly puts it back in the box. " Gray I don't want to be out here " I say as he grabs my hand tightly. He might have been more scared than me. I was starting to tear up bit didn't cry. " It's okay let's just go back inside " Gray says as he wraps his arm around me. E grabs the camera and quickly put away the things we were using and left the quija board on the ground by the tree. We were almost to the front of the lodge when we heard a loud girl scream from the woods behind us. We turn around and E points to the tree that had the Ouija board under it. It looked like a girl standing behind it. She moved forward and we all started running. We ran inside and the twins closed the doors. We got a few weird looks from the guests but our friends were just staring blankly at us. " Care to explain please " Sean says. " Video... Ouija board... Run... Scream... Girl shadow " Gray tries to speak as we catch our breath. " Why can't we have a normal life " Noah asks. " Because you have Grayson and Ethan " a girl says walking into the lobby.

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