chapter 28

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So it's been maybe 6 or 7 months since the wedding and well let's just say, I'm pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl. When Sean found out, he chases Grayson around the lodge for about a hour then calmed down. He was actually very happy for us. They say that twins tend to come early so I just have a month or two left and nothing is ready. We haven't even chosen names. I'm kinda freaking out but who wouldn't. " You shouldn't stress, it isn't good for you or the babies " Grayson said. " I'm not stressed " I say straight up lying through my teeth. " Stop lying, I can tell your stressed " he said while rubbing my back. " We haven't even chosen names for the babies " I say. The twins are a boy and a girl. " Yeah, you have mumbling names in your sleep just random ones " he said while laughing. " Why didn't you tell me?" " Cause it was funny and cute " he said. " What do you want to name them then since you heard me say some names " I ask. " Victoria and James " he said. I nod in agreement and lay back onto the bed. " Are you ready for this " I ask him. " Yeah, are you?" " Yeah." " By the way, Eth is coming up with plans for when he babysits and I'll say this now, my brother is never babysitting " Gray says. " Why not " Ethan says while walking into the room. " I don't want my babies to have fake tattoos that say bad babes " Gray says serious. I couldn't help but laugh at the tattoo. " He's right, you aren't doing that " I say. " Fine but I'm still babysitting my niece and nephew " Eth says before walking out. " No he isn't " Gray whispered.

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