Chapter 31

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I slowly open my eyes and see Sean standing next to me holding Victoria and Skye holding James. " Good morning Shayla " Skye says. " Hey guys " I say as I sit up on the hospital bed. " Everyone else is in the waiting room. They said they would come in when you wake up " Sean explained. " Oh you're awake " Noah says as he pokes his head through the door. He opens the door wider and everyone walks in. Thankfully the room was kinda big so it fit all of us. Grayson, Ethan, and Caitlyn went home to get changed and bring me some actual food instead of the hospital stuff. " Noah can we have a baby " Kaylee asked him. His eyes went wide before he turned to her. They stared at each other before he said sure then bolted out of the room. " I was just saying that to scare him but okay then " Kaylee said while laughing. We all laughed as Noah slowly walked back into the room. " That was not a  funny joke " He said. " Yes it was " we all said. The twins and Caitlyn walked in with food and I had the biggest smile. I couldn't stand the hospital food anymore. I'm not sure if I can even call it food. " Thank you so much " I tell Grayson. He kisses me then says your welcome. Noah and Kaylee were now holding James and Victoria. " You know, I actually kinda do want a baby now " Noah says. This time Kaylee eyes went wide. " Things are about to get interesting. Two born, one on the way, and one being planned. Anyone other babies we should know about " He joked. The others looked at him confused before he realized he said one on the way. " Caitlyn's pregnant " He said like it was no big deal. " Cameron is gonna kill us " Grayson said. " She doesn't know about the babies, does she " Ethan asked him. " She never answered her phone it isn't my fault " Grayson defended. " Yeah she's gonna kill us " Ethan said.

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