Chapter 4

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" There are things that you don't know about. One of them is that I'm adopted, it kinda is obviously, I look nothing like Sean or my parents. I have gotten in with the wrong crowd before but Sean was there to save me. The one thing that no one but my family knows, not even Ethan knew about this, I use to be depressed at one point in my life. It was when Aiden would bully me and you would constantly flirt with me and that made Ethan mad at me. It got to a point where I almost hurt myself but Sean stopped me. I almost killed myself once when I was at my lowest point but Sean got to me before I could. He was always there to save me no matter what, even if it just me tripping on the stairs and catching me before I hit the floor. I didn't want anyone to know what happened, I made sure that my parents,  friends, no one knew. Sean kept my secret but he would always check up on me every once in a while about that stuff. If anything had a chance of bringing me back to that point, he would make sure that it wouldn't. He knew that you could help make sure I didn't reach that point again." I notice Gray had started to tear up and was looking at the floor." Have you almost reached that point during the time of being with me " he asks still looking at the floor. " When that girl kissed you, I don't remember her name." He hugs me tightly and I feel tears hit my shoulder. " I'm so sorry " he whispers. " Gray its okay, I didn't do anything and you didn't kiss her so you did nothing wrong. Even if anything did bring me back to that point, Sean would have helped me." He nods his head and kisses me. " If you are upset about absolutely anything, please talk to me or Sean " he says. I nod my head and hug him. 

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