Chapter 24

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It has been a week since the car accident happened. My father was released from the hospital but I was still upset about my mother. Everyone tried to cheer up Sean and I but nothing worked. Gray hasn't left my side for more than an hour of time. Most people would find that annoying but I don't, I need him here right now. " Shayla, I'm not gonna tell you its okay cause its not.  Your mother just passed away but you have to think of the positive things. You still have Sean and you dad. You have me, Ethan, and all of our friends. We are all here for you, I'm not leaving your side until I see a real smile on your face." All these words he was saying actually made me feel a little better. " Where's Sean " I ask him. " With Skye and Ben, they are trying to drag him to do something but that isn't going well " he explains. I get up from the bed and rush out the door. I could tell Gray was surprised but quickly followed me. I go to the lobby and see Sean laying on one of the couches with Skye and Ben next to him. I run over and jump on top of him. " What was that for " he says in pain. " I miss mom too but it's time to get up, today we are all going on a day off hike What do you say " I tell him. " If I say yes will you get off me " he asks. I nod my head in response. " Alright I'll go " he says. I quickly jump off of him and drag him off the couch but he falls onto the floor instead. " Oops " I say while laughing.

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