Chapter 29

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I woke up to the most excruciating pain. I shook Grayson but he didn't wake up. I grabbed my pillow then hit him with it. He rolled around a little while mumbling something. I got annoyed then pushed him off the bed. I felt another strong pain in my stomach. " What happened " he said while quickly standing up. " I think in having the babies " I say trying to stand up. Grayson quickly ran around the bed. He helped me stand up then yell for Ethan. The twins, Caitlyn, and I all had a house together, their room was down the hall and the babies room was next to ours. Ethan came running in as I feel a warm liquid run down my leg. " I think my water just broke " I say looking at Grayson with panic. " Ethan, grab the bags and wake up Caitlyn then meet us at the car " Grayson said as he helped me walk downstairs. My contractions were getting shorter which worried me a little. We quickly got into the car, grayson and I in the back while Ethan drove and Caitlyn in the passenger seat.  The hospital was only 5 minutes minutes away but with the pain, it felt longer. When we got there, Gray had to carry me since I couldn't walk. They were yelling things when we walked in but I wasn't listening at this point. I was focused on dealing with the pain and my babies. I was already dialated so they gave me something for the pain then told me to push. Five minutes later, Victoria and James were born. Only 30 seconds apart. Victoria Emilia Dolan at 4:26am and James Sean Dolan at 4:27am on February 8, 2018. " You did it baby, they're both healthy and beautiful " Grayson said. He kissed my forehead then they brought the babies in. I held James as Grayson held Victoria. After a little bit, we switched so I had James then Eth and Caitlyn came in. " Everything went well I'm guessing " Eth said. " Yes besides the fact that Shayla almost broke my hand " Grayson said while laughing. " I was in intense pain and I had to push before the medication kicked in." " What are their names " Caitlyn asked. " Victoria and James " I say. Caitlyn and I got really close since we moved into the house. She's my best friend. " Is now a bad time to mention that Caitlyn's pregnant " Eth said. We all just looked at him for a few seconds before I turned my attention to Caitlyn. " I'm happy for you " I said almost yelling from how exited I was. " " Thank you " she said while smiling at Ethan. " This has been a eventful morning " Gray said. We all laughed then looked at the babies who were both smiling.

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