Chapter 23

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" Shayla, Sean, your parents were in a car accident. Its very bad and they want you to go to the hospital " Skye's dad said. After those words processed in my head, everything became a blur. Grayson wraps his arms around me tightly as I collapse to the ground. He picked me up and took me outside with E and Sean behind me. Skye quickly appeared at his side as he began to cry. The five of us got into Sean's car and E drove us to the hospital. As soon as the car came to a stop I jumped out and ran into the hospital. I ran to the desk and startled the nurse behind the desk. I was breathing heavily as I asked her where my parents were. " They were just brought in, there should be a doctor out soon to explain how they are doing " she said kindly. I nod with a smile before thanking her and walking to the waiting area where everyone was. I told them what the nurse had told me and we all waited. My vision was completely blurred by my tears that had created waterfalls on my face. A doctor had came in and walked up to us. Sean and I quickly stand up and he starts explaining what happened with our parents. " You father is okay, he has a broken leg and arm along with a slight concussion. He should be waking soon and you can go in to see him " he said. " What about our mother " Sean asked and the doctor's facial expression completely changed. " Your mother didn't survive the crash, we did all we could but her injuries were fatal and also cause internal bleeding, I'm sorry for your loss " he said before walking away. Sean quickly pulled me into a hug as we both tried not to cry but we both failed. We stood there for 10 minutes before the doctor came out again and told us our father was awake. We follow him to our father's room and quickly run in. We hug him gently so we wouldn't hurt him more than he already was. " I'm guessing you heard about your mother " he said. We both slowly nod as I start to cry again. " Just remember that she loved you both more than life itself and she is in a better place now. Before we were pulled out of the car, she gave me her necklaces with your names on them. She said if anything happened to her, she wanted to make sure you two got them. She knew she wasn't going to make it. I told her to hold onto hope that she would be able to give them to you herself but she couldn't." I took the necklace from his hand and held it. Sean took it from my hands and put it on me. I looked down and smiled. I swear that I could feel my mother in the room next to me, with her amazing smile that could brighten up a room. Sean put his on and we both smiled at our father. " She would always tell you to live life to the fullest because you never know when its going to be over, if she was here she would tell you exactly that so I'm going to tell you myself,  live life to the fullest because you never know when its going to be over. I want you two to leave this hospital and be with the people you love. I assume Skye and those twins came with you two " he says to us. We nod our head and he smiles. " They are good friends, and I'm glad they make you happy because that's what families are for. Don't be sad, celebrate life with your family. I'll probably be let out tomorrow or the day after and I'll come see you two when that happens. Goodbye my children until then " he says with a bright smile. We say goodbye and walk out of the room. " Goodbye mom " Sean and I whisper as we walk down the hall.

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