Chapter 10

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I got back to the lodge and I was immediately pulled into a hug by Grayson. " I'm so sorry for ever thinking you would cheat on me " I say as I wrap my arms tightly around him. " Its okay, I understand that its hard to trust people after what Ethan did to you. E and I got different cases so we don't have to deal with that again. Plus I didn't know he used the exact same photo of us three as his lock screen " Gray explains. " Its fine, thank you for not getting mad about me jumping to conclusions." He lifts my head up and kisses me. " I could never get mad at you for something like that " he says softly. " Are you okay Shayla " Sean asks me. I nod my head and he gives me a side hug. " Shayla, can I talk to you in private " Sean asks me. " Of course " I say. We walk behind the lodge and I sit in the tree swing that Sean set up for me a few years ago. " What you want to talk about big bro " I ask him as I swing myself. He leans against the tree and sighs before saying " I'm going to propose to Skye " he says. I slip off of the swing as soon as I realize what he said.

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