Chapter 8

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After realizing what just happened, I ran out of my room and caught up with Grayson who had Ethan pinned on the ground. " Why did you kiss Shayla " Gray yelled. I haven't seen him this mad since Ben's little brother or his Dad showed up. " It was for a video, the fans dared me, Aiden is right behind you with a camera " Ethan says as he blocks his face with his hands. I turned and saw Aiden with a camera in his hands. Gray got off of Ethan and walked outside, still pissed off. " Are you kidding me Eth, was a YouTube video really worth doing that to your brother " I say then run out to find Gray. I found him behind the lodge at the tree we tied Ethan to in a net. " What happened, why did you freak out like that " I ask as he buries his face in his hands. He looks up at me and says " because my one fear was losing you to Ethan. You two are so close and that scares me. I love you so much and if I lost you, I don't think I could live with myself. Seeing you kiss him, its like my one nightmare was coming true. I don't know if he has feelings for you but I do know that I love you and will do anything for you." I was shocked. I always thought of Ethan as a brother and nothing more. I could never do something like that to Gray. " You never have to worry about me leaving you for Ethan because that would never happen. I love you and only you, okay. You think I would make that promise if I had any feelings for Eth " I assure him. I see Ethan walk up to us and Grayson's jaw clench. " Gray chill, I just want to say that I only see Shayla as a sister. Seriously, no one ships you two more than me " Eth says and Gray smiles at him. Gray pulls us into a tight hug. " If you kiss my girlfriend again, I'll kill you, you know that right " Gray warns Ethan. " Yes I do and I can't breathe Gray " Ethan responds in a funny voice. Oh these boys.

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