Chapter 7

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" Shayla you are 18 years old, why is there a ring on your finger " he says almost yelling. " Sean, you need to calm down, its a promise ring " I say and he calms down. " Oh thank goodness, I would have had to kill Grayson and then dad would kill me " he said. " Why would you be killed?" " Because he would think I let this happen, could be worse, you could have been pregnant " he jokes and I stay quiet. " Oh my God, Shayla you better not be " he says, starting to freak out again. " I'm not " I say while laughing at his reaction. " What's going on, I heard pregnant and realized that Gray was in here with Shayla " Aiden says as he comes up behind Sean. " Have fun with your family problems " Noah said with a smile before him and Kaylee walked away. " No one's pregnant, stop talking about this because I know if Ethan hears you, he will freak out worse than both of you " Grayson says. They both nod and walk out. " What is wrong with our brothers " he asks me. " I think Sean was dropped as a baby or he got in a accident on his bike." Before he could respond, Ethan walked in and looked at us both. He walked over to me and kissed me on the lips before running out of the room, closing the door behind him. Grayson looked at me pissed, he got up and ran out the door yelling Ethan's name. What just happened.

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