Chapter 13

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I was in my room with Gray. I was gonna talk to him about why he treats Ethan like a little kid. I know its annoying E too so I was going to help him a little. " What did you want to talk about " Gray asks as he lays back on the bed. " Why do you treat E like a little kid, you know it's not your job to look after him anymore." He just looks at the ceiling, not saying a word. " Gray, tell me why, I know there is a reason for it." " Your right, there is a reason " Gray snaps at me with a angry expression. " I never helped him growing up. He used to get bullied and I did nothing to stop it, I would laugh at him and tell him to toughen up. He would get abused by our excuse of a father and I did nothing to help him. I would be playing football with Aiden or flirting with you at school while my brother got beer bottles thrown at him. I did nothing to help him, I did nothing to protect him. I did nothing to save him. I'm not making that mistake again. I know I can't stop life from happening and he's gonna get hurt but I'm going to protect him from the things I can. One of those things being my father. If it was Sean, you would be doing the same. After everything that has happened, Sean has always been there for you to save you. Hearing everything he did for just reminded me of all the things I never did for E. I was a horrible brother growing up. He was always there but I wasn't. I messed everything up for him when all he wanted was his twin brother." Gray was in tears by the time he stopped talking. I look up and see E at the door. " You didn't mess everything up Gray " he says, getting Grayson's attention. " You might have been a horrible brother sometimes and I might have wanted to punch you in the fave a few times but that's normal. I don't know what Sean did but he probably messed up a few times in his life " Ethan says looking at me for help. " Sean has given me a concussion before. I broke my arm after he tried teaching me how to ride his bike and do one of the trails. He also killed about 4 of my goldfishes " I say then here Sean yell " I had my bad moments okay " as he walked by. " See, no one is perfect and whatever happened in the past no longer matters. What you didn't know was when you told me to toughen up because of the bullies, I did. That's why mom had to come get me from school after I got in a fight. I actually won that fight. What dad did, none of us could have expected that to happen. You were there even if you weren't physically there. I would always think of what you would do in the situation and that would help me figure out what to do." Grayson pulled E into what looked like a very tight hug. " I love you guys " Gray says as he pulls me into the hug. I was right, it was very tight. " We love you too Gray " I say. " Aww how cute " Sean says at the doorway. He takes a picture then walks away. " Brothers, sometimes you love them, other times you want to punch them."

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