Chapter 18

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" Cameron " Both of the twins yell as they run up to her. I was confused at first but then remembered Grayson telling me about them having a sister named Cameron. " I missed you guys now where is Shayla " she says as the boys let go. They point to me and she immediately tackles me in a hug. I almost fell down but I guess Sean had stood behind me because he helped me before I fell. Always there to save me. " Looks like you're gonna be my sister in law by the look of that ring " she says as she admires it. " Are you happy for us Cam " Gray asks her sounding hopeful. " Of course, I've watched the videos, the way you two look at eachother, there is no denying you two love eachother." " Any love in your life sis " E teases her. She just stares at him then they both start laughing. " and you thought we were weird " Sean whispers to me. I would always tell him that we were weird. Kind of hard to deny it when you're getting weird looks from everyone in a mall. " Cause we are and the people in that mall agree " I say. " Who dared me to jump in the fountain for $20 " he argues. " And who picked me up and jumped in with me " I say then we both start laughing. Everyone was looking at us weirdly. " Same looks we got on the mall " he says which causes us to laugh harder. The twins start laughing at how crazy we looked and eventually everyone was laughing. " This is why we can't have normal lives " Skye's dad says as he walks through the lobby. We all wait for him to be out of sight then start laughing again. " Alright its late so we should all be going home or to sleep, Cameron I'll show you to your room " Skye says then walks off with Cameron behind her. " Skye's right, I'm tired so goodnight people " Noah says before grabbing Kaylee's hand and they both leave. " I'm off " I say. I kiss Grayson and we both say goodnight before I go to my room. I was about to go to sleep when I heard my phone ring. It was a text but why would anyone be texting me, they can just come up to my room and the others didn't even leave that long ago. I unlock my phone then read the text. It was from a unknown and said " I'm still here, I never left and I'm watching you. I'll get what I want before you even see me."

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