Chapter 35

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Grayson pov
We got out of the car and walked into the airport. We still had another 5-10 minutes till Cameron's plane would land.
" Remember when we recreated those fan fiction about us " Ethan reminded me. I turned to him with the most confused look on my face. I was confused of why he would ever bring that up again.
" We both promised to never bring that up again in our lives."
" Gray, the video is on YouTube with over 4 millions views. It's gonna be brought up eventually " He explains.
" He's right you know " I heard someone say. I turn my head and see Cameron smiling at us. But also someone behind her. Our brother Aiden ( forgot I created him in the second book but I brought him back)
I hugged Cameron then Aiden.
" I missed you bro, it's been a long time since we heard from you " I told him.
" Last time I saw you, you had just started dating Shayla now you are married and have two kids, it has been a while " He says.
" We should get home so you can see them and you haven't seen Caitlyn since that whole drama with dad " Ethan said. Why does he have to bring these kind of things up. We helped Cameron with her bags then drove home. We were gonna film a video later since it was only one in the afternoon. Now we have the baby shopping one which was us mostly fighting with stuffed animals and another video even though we aren't sure what we are gonna film.
The ride home was surprisingly quiet since we are a loud family.
" So Aiden " Ethan said breaking the silence " Why did you disappear off the face of the earth." I turned to look at Ethan for a second then turned back to the road since I was driving. Honestly, the things he says sometimes.
" Backpacking through Europe " Aiden said. I was very shocked since he didn't seem like the adventurous type. We got back to the house and Ethan jumped out of the car. I didn't even park it yet, what is wrong with him today. He got Cameron's bags and I helped Aiden with his. We walked in and it was pretty quiet. We have wives who are always giggling with each other and two babies. Why is it quiet? Shayne came walking down the stairs and smiled when she saw us. " We just put the twins down for their naps " She explained. She hugged Cameron then her smile grew once she saw Aiden.
" You're not dead " She said surprised.
" Did you guys really think I was dead " He asked.
" We considered it a possibility. " Caitlyn came down the stairs and stood by Ethan. After everything that has happened, she tends to get shy around our family.
" Caitlyn it's okay, you don't have to be scared of us " Aiden said while pulling her into a hug. Cameron did the same and then it got silent again.
" So what are you guys filming today " Shayla asked us.
" We are not sure but we need to figure that out. Probably something with Cameron since Aiden doesn't like being on camera."
" That and you guys do some crazy things so no thank you " Aiden said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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