Chapter 12

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I stand there debating on what I should tell them. " Shayla, what did she tell you " Gray asks. " She was trying to warn us,  your dad is gonna try to come and take you guys again. She said that you have to be out of the lodge from 2- 4 and we need to take Aiden too." " How do you know that she isn't just trying to trick us and when its just us he takes us " Gray argues. " She was only helping him because he threatened her sister, she does care about Ethan. Maybe in the beginning it was just a agreement but maybe she cares now." " Alright fine, we'll do what she said but we need to tell Aiden cause he won't be happy if we just drag him somewhere and wait 2 hours " Ethan says then walks off. " Do you think she really cares about E or is this another trick she is pulling " Gray asks me sounding worried. " Maybe it was just her working for your dad but after time, she actually started caring " I suggest. " If she is trying to hurt my brother, I'll make sure that her and my excuse of a father rot in a cell " he says before walking off. I get that he wants to protect his brother but sometimes he does it the wrong way. He might protect him from their father and Caitlyn but what about all the other problems in life. They're 18, E isn't little anymore he can protect himself. If only Gray could see that.

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