Chapter 15

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Gray has been getting really excited about something the past few days. I asked E about it but he just ran away. I asked Gray but he told me it was nothing to worry about. No one else knows anything but they noticed how he's been acting too. I was on my phone when Gray cane running in. Literally running then he enddd up trying on my converse that I had laying on the ground. I laughed as he got up from the ground. " You should really pick that up " he said rubbing his rib. " You should really slow down " I answer as I stand up from the bed. " Well I have been planning this for a week so I am very excited for this " he says before grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs. When we reach the front desk, Sean outs a blind fold on me. " Sean, you know I hate not being able to see anything, it's kinda how you ended up with a huge bruise on your shin " I say then here him take a few steps back. " Yes I remember that but trust me, this will be worth it even if I do end up with a limp for a week again " he says then I feel hands on my waist. " Gray what are you doing " I ask as we start walking. " You will see, don't worry just trust me " he replies. " I trust you but I don't like this " I say. He doesn't reply, instead we stop walking and he let's go. " If I take this off, there better not be a clown or something in front of me " I say almost yelling. " There isn't don't worry " someone said that sounded like Ben. They took the blindfold off and I almost screamed. Not from being scared but how beautiful it was.

" What's all this " I ask

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" What's all this " I ask. I turn around and see everyone gone but Gray is standing there. " I'm not really good with this kind of stuff but I'm really hoping that you know what's happening " he says getting down on one knee. " I do know what's happening and yes of course " I say. He puts the ring on my finger before standing up and kissing me.

" Gray how much was this " I say looking down at the ring, hoping he didn't spend almost a million dollars

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" Gray how much was this " I say looking down at the ring, hoping he didn't spend almost a million dollars. " That is not important, E and I picked it out and I hope you love it " he says. " I do love it of course but " I say but he cuts me off. " No buts, just be happy, we are engaged and I did talk to Sean and your father so don't worry " he says. " Can I come out now " I hear E say from somewhere. " Gray says yes then E jumps down from the tree that was wrapped in lights. " I'm really happy for you guys, my twin brother and my best friend " E says, hugging us. " Looks like Shayla is gonna be my sister " E adds on. " Yeah and I think its time she meets our sister " Gray says. I remember him mentioning her when we talked about everything but I still haven't met her. " Um I kinda invited Cam here, she's coming tomorrow " E says then runs away.

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