Chapter 25

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I was going to have a day with Gray while Sean is with Skye then tomorrow, it's just Sean and I. " Ready for today " Gray asks as he walks into my room while I still haven't even left my bed. " One more hour " I mumble into my pillow. " Not gonna happen Shayla, we are going to be productive today, we are going to help Ethan get his girl back " he says while going through my closet. He hands me some clothes then walks out, closing the door. I quickly get dressed then grab my phone. I open the door and see Gray leaning against the wall, texting someone. " Great your ready, I just got Cam to help us. I used Ethan's photo be earlier to text Caitlyn and she will be coming soon. When that happens, Cam will distract her while we find Ethan and tell him what to do so he doesn't blow this." " Love that you have no faith in your brother doing this alone " I say while going downstairs with Gray behind me. When we get down to the lobby, Caitlyn was already there and Ethan was walking towards her. Thankfully they we're both on their phones so they didn't see each other. Cameron came around the corner and distracted caitlyn while we dragged Ethan away. " What are you two doing " he asked as we locked ourselves in one of the closets. " Caitlyns here to see you " Gray says. " What have you two done now " he asks us. " We planned this and right now Cameron is distracting her while we talk to you. We want you to be happy Eth, just go out there and tell her that you still love her." He sighs in defeat then walks to the door. Right before he walks out, Gray pats him on the back but what Ethan didn't know was that Gray had put a microphone on him so we could listen to them.

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