Chapter 30

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I sat in the hospital bed with my babies in their little beds next to me. Grayson was passed out on the couch in the room and Ethan went home with Caitlyn. We called Sean and he is gonna bring everyone later on in the day. It is six in the morning and I'm just staring at my beautiful babies. This still doesn't feel real to me. An amazing husband, two children, and I couldn't ask for a better family. This is everything I wished for growing up. I just wish my mom was here to see us now. I played with the necklace that dad gave us after she passed away. Sean and I wear them everyday and refuse to take them off unless its necessary. There was a light knock on the door that startled me. The door slowly creeked open revealing my father. " Dad you scared " I whispered slightly laughing. " Sorry, I just wanted to come see my little girl and new grandchild " he whispers after seeing Grayson and the twins in a deep sleep. " Meet Victoria Emilia and James Sean Dolan." He smiled down at them and I could see him start to tear up. " If only your mother was here to see how much you and Sean have grown up, to see everything you've done for yourselves " he whispers. " I know dad, I miss her too." " Good morning " Grayson says in a very tired voice. " Goodmorning " my dad says to him. " They're still out " Grayson chuckles when he sees the babies. " When is your brother and everyone coming " Dad asks. " Sean said some time after noon since they have to wake up Noah " I respond. " Good luck to them and good luck to you too. Two children aren't easy, trust me I know " Dad says. " Hey " I say offended. He chuckles and says goodbye before leaving. " This all feels like a dream still " Grayson says while wrapping his arm around me. " I know, if it is, I never want to wake up from this dream " I say to him. He kisses my forehead and I start to feel tired. " Go to sleep baby, I'll watch them " Gray whispers. I nod and start to fall asleep in his arms.

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