Chapter 19

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I panicked and threw my phone across the room. It hit the wall with a loud bang. The twins room is right next to my so they heard that. A few seconds later, Gray came running in and quickly looked at me then the wall then to my phone on the ground. I just face plant into my pillows on my bed as he walks over to my phone. I'm guessing he saw the message because he asked who the heck it was. " If I knew that, I would not have thrown my phone across the room, I panicked and got scared " I argue. " Ethan and I are staying in here with you because we aren't leaving you alone " he says as he pulls out his phone. He texts E who shows up a few second later. " What happened " he says as he closes the door. " Gray hands him my phone and he reads the text. He dropped it on the floor after seeing the text but he quickly picked it up. " Sorry " he says then hands me the phone. " Don't worry, I already threw it at the wall. More importantly though, what are we going to do about this " I ask them. " We don't know but you don't have to deal with it alone " Gray says. They both lay down next to me on the bed so I'm in the middle of them. " Thanks guys, I love you both " I say to them. " We love you too, Gray might a little more " E says. We all laugh then fall asleep in silence.

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