Chapter 16

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" Did she say yes " Sean asks as he walks out with Skye. " I said yes " I answer. He quickly hugs me and whispers " If he does anything, tell me and I'll kill him." I start laughing and the others look at us weird. " Gray, tomorrow is Monday and we don't have a video " E says as he starts to panic. " Have fun with that, Skye and I are gonna go back inside now " Sean says as he grabs Skye's hand and walks away. " About that, I have a idea but I need you two for it " he says nervously. " Gray, what's you plan " I ask. " We play a Ouija board " he says and E freezes. We stand in silence until E yells " have you lost your mind " causing Gray and I to jump. " Come on, it might not even work and what could go wrong " he says. " That's usually what the person that dies first says in horror movies or in other movies and they get in trouble " I comment on what he says. " Okay good point but come on, its actually almost 3am so that's even better. Please guys, I only trust you two to do this with " he begs. " Fine I'll do it " I say giving in. A few minutes later of arguing and convincing, E gave in too. " Yes, I'll get the board and camera " Gray says. " You already have the board " I yell. He just laughs and runs off. " I'm happy for you too, when are you telling the fans " E asks. " I don't know, if they see my ring in the video , they might figure it out so I guess it will make it easier telling them " I say. " I wish I could have a relationship like yours " Ethan says while looking at what Gray had set up for his proposal. " I know you loved Caitlyn and you obviously still have feelings for her. Just talk to her E, when your dad tried to kill her and Sean, she wouldn't let go of you, not even for the paramedics to check her. She obviously stills cares too." He nods in responds and Gray comes running back with the camera, a bag with their equipment, and the board. This will be good.

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