Chapter 6

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" What do I think, I think I almost just fell out of the tree from shock " I say and he starts laughing at me then almost falls himself. " No but seriously, I'm really happy for you Noah. You guys are in your 20's already and you love eachother so much, there is no way she will say no now how are you going to propose to her " I ask. " Well that's all planned out and I hope she will love it, you will find out when she tells you guys now we have to do our job " he says then jumps out of the tree. I jump down and almost fall but Noah catches me before I fall back. " You are a danger to yourself " he says laughing. I nod my head and we start walking around picking up trash then we raked up all the leaves. Lastly, we had to water all the plants in the front of the lodge. After we finished washing the plants, we both go back inside and lay down on the couches in the lounge. " What happened to you two " Danielle asked as she walks in. " Sean and Skye made us work, that's what happened " Noah said to her. She laughed then walked off to where Ben was. " Hey Shayla, I need to show you something " Gray said sounding excited. " Alright, let's go " I said very tired. I walked a few feet before Grayson picked me up bridal style. " What are you doing " I asked as he started walking to the stairs. " Well you are obviously tired from you and Noah working so I'm gonna carry you to your room " he said as he started walking up the stairs. I didn't argue since I didn't have to do anything and let him carry me. We reach my room and he lays me on my bed then sits on the edge. " What did you want to show me " I ask as my eyelids start getting heavy. He holds something up then I notice it's a ring. Saying I was shocked was a understatement. I ended up rolling over and falling off the bed. " Are you okay " Grayson asked, clearly trying not to laugh. " Yeah I'm good but what is that " I ask. " It's a promise ring " he says and I sigh in relief. " Oh thank goodness, I thought that was a engagement ring, I would have feaked out, we are only 18 " I say and he chuckles in response. " Hopefully in the future, it will be a engagement ring " he says and I smile. We never really talked about our future except when we promised eachother to never hurt or leave eachother. He told me that he didn't want to be like his dad. I knew he wouldn't become like that horrible man. " We made a promise to never hurt eachother or leave eachother, I want this ring to represent how we have kept that promise and will continue to keep it, can you keep that promise " he asked and I could see the hope in his eyes. " I will always keep that promise " I say proudly. He slips the ring on my finger then pulls me into a hug. " I love you " we say in unison then laugh. " Why did you think it was a engagement ring " he asked when we pull away. " Cause Noah is proposing to Kaylee and it kinda made me think of how you would propose " I say. " Noah is proposing to Kaylee " he asked then the door opened. " Actually, I already did " Noah says as he walks in with Kaylee next to him. I look at her hand and see a diamond ring. " Shayla, what's that on your hand " Noah asked, looking at my ring. " A promise ring, calm down Noah. " Okay but when Sean sees that ring, you better tell him that cause he will freak out " he says the Sean walks in. " Tell me what " he asked then say the ring. Uh oh.

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