Chapter 22

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" Can I just go lock myself in my room and get away from everything " I ask before falling back onto the couch. " Sure but you wouldn't see Grayson since you aren't gonna be locked in a room together " Sean said with a big smile. " Looks like I'm not locking myself in my room " I said then pulled Gray down on the couch with me. " Okay, that's it we are getting out of here and doing something fun. Since this summer started, we have had nothing but problems so let's let go and move on. Cameron is still here and all she experienced is being knocked out by a crazy girl " Danielle says. Cameron was just leaning against the wall acting like nothing just happened. "  The only time it would have a affect on me is when someone gets killed, I grew up with these two " she said looking at the twins. " We never knocked you out " E protests. " True but you have done s9ne crazy things " she says. " Let's not bring that up please cause I remember E getting revenge on me using a merch gun and a lot of food with me taped to a chair. I think its a fact we aren't the nicest to eachother " Gray says. " Still think we're the weirdest " Sean asks me. " Two words: Florida Trip " I say and his eyes went wide. " Mom destroyed every picture from that trip known to man so do not even " he said. " Not every copy because I have every single one on my phone locked away so you will never find it " I say with a smirk. " Am I the only normal one here " Danielle says. " No is normal but that's what makes it interesting " Ben says. Skye's dad walked in and his words made my smile and heart drop.

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