Chapter 14

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Right now I'm walking with the twins and Aiden into the woods since their dad would be coming soon. We reached the lake that I came too when I was upset." Not always happy memories here but its still beautiful " Aiden says. " What are you taking about, when did you come here " Gray asks. " When O found out Ben's little brother was cheating on me, I came here and when I thought you cheated on me, I came here. Both times Aiden came and talked to me, he isn't that much of a jerk anymore " I say. " Love you too future sister " he says. " What should we do until we can go back " I ask the boys. I look at Ethan who was on his phone and his face drops. " E what's wrong " I ask. Gray and Aiden both look at their brother as he almost drops his phone. " Bro what's wrong " Gray asks as he tries to get a response from E. " Dad has Caitlyn and her sister, if we don't go back, he's gonna kill them both and Sean since he's Shayla's brother." As soon as I hear those words, I start to run as fast as I can back to the lodge. The boys were behind me but I was faster. I had reached the edge of the woods behind the lodge before someone grabbed my arm, preventing me from running onto the property. I turn around and see that Gray was the one that stopped me. " I have to save my brother, I'm not gonna let anything happen to him, not after everything he's done to save me " I yell as Ethan and Aiden cath up. " We are but you can't just go running in there especially since he probably has a weapon if he is planning on killing them which he won't do. You don't know what he is capable of so just let us think of something before we go in there " Gray explains. " Gray you might not like this plan but what if we send Shayla in while we get dad " Aiden suggest. " You right I don't like that plan, I'm not risking Shayla's life " Gray says. " You idiot, you clown costume is still by the tree back here, you can pit it on and with the saw, you can scare dad and while he's doing that E and I can grab him, Shayla will just be a distraction for you to sneak up on him " Aiden further explains. " It could work " E says. " Shayla, are you okay with this " Gray asks me. " Anything for Sean " I say then quickly run to the tree to grab the costume then I run back. " Put it on, I'm going in but please hurry " I say then run off to the front of the lodge. As soon as I turn the corner, I see their dad with a knife at Sean's throat. I gasp and everyone looks at me. Skye had tears running down her cheeks as Ben looked like he was about to cry while everything else had a look of pure terror. Sean just smiled at me but it quickly faded as the boys dad starts laughing. " I knew you would come save him, you love him as much as the twins love eachother. Speaking of the twins, would you like to tell me where they are along with Aiden or will I have to hurt your brother to find out." When he finishes talking, I see Gray walking up behind him. Kaylee screams causing their dad to turn around. He let's go of Sean who immediately runs to me and Skye who was now standing next to me with her arms tightly around me. He hugs us then stands in front of us. " Sean its okay, its just Grayson " I whisper to him. He relaxes and we watch their dad start to slowly back away as Gray gets closer. Aiden and E come from around the corner and tackle their father. Some officers come and take their father away. E goes to Caitlyn and unties her and her sister. He tightly hugs her as she cries into his shoulder. Just by the look on his face, I could tell he still had feelings for her. Gray took the costumes off since the officers were giving him weird looks. " Well that was dramatizing " Noah says then walks off. Sean hugs me tightly then let's go and kissed Skye. Gray comes up to me with Aiden and they both hug me. " Why can't we just have a normal life " Aiden says. " Because nothing about us is normal " I answer.

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