Chapter 21

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I woke up tied to a chair and the twins on each side of me. " Are you kidding me " I yell as I try to break the tape on my wrist. " We already tried that, it's too strong " Gray explains then the tape breaks. " How did you do that, Gray and I are stronger and still couldn't get it " E says as they try to break the tape. " She messed with my family, I'm pissed off " I say as I get all the tape off the boys. " You thing she would be smart enough to use rope " I say as we walk out the door. " We were in the lodge still buy it was a random room. We run downstairs and everyone was still knocked out but Sean was gone. " Try to wake them up, in gonna go find Sean " I say before running outside. I never told Sean this but I put a tracking device in his watch and on his phone. You can never be too safe and this proves my point. Gray has the same thing on my phone and my necklace. I follow the location into the woods, more specifically, towards the lake I would go to. Bella really was watching my every move. Maybe we should put a tracker on her. " Just shut up for one second " I hear someone yell. It was Bella. I started running but came to a quick stop once I reached the lake. Bella had her back towards me while Sean was telling her that she has lost her mind. Well no shit Sherlock. She was yelling at someone on the phone but I was more focused on how I was going to kill her. "  Why her " Bella asks him. Well that got my attention. " Because I love her with all my heart and she wouldn't tty yo hurt me like you're doing " he replys. " You know I loved you but you didn't feel the same. I was willing to risk everything to be with you." " All you did was try to kill Skye, the only thing you risked was you friendship with Shayla because of some crush " he says. I could see the sadness on Bella's face. She started messing with one of her rings which is what she does when she knows she's wrong or regrets something. The last time she did that was when she hit me after telling her that Sean would never like her that way. It was probably mean but I didn't want her to hope for something then be heartbroken. " I don't know why I keep wasting my time with you, I seriously don't get it anymore. You clearly love her more than you will ever love me. You're getting married soon and I have you tied to a tree with duct tape." " Then how about you let me go and then you can just walk away without being sent back to that asylum. She walks over to him and cut the tape with a knife. She throws the knife in the Lake then runs away. I quickly run up to him and tackle him in a hug. We both ended up on the floor, laughing. " I heard all of that, I guess she's gone for now " I say while standing up. " For now, heck no I hope forever, I don't want anything happening to you or Skye again " he says. His eyes widen then he starts running to the lodge. I start running after him and everyone was awake by the time we got back. Sean quickly hugs Skye and I run to Grayson. " Please tell me that crazy is gone " Danielle says. " Thankfully yes " I say as Gray wraps his arms around my waist. " For now I am " someone yells. " Everyone visibly tensed up and Grayson's grip quickly tightened. We can never catch a break huh.

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