Chapter 5

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Sean walked in and we pulled apart. " I'll be downstairs " Grayson says before walking out. Sean closes the door and looks at me " what happened, why was Grayson crying " he asks me. " I told him about my depression, the attempt of self harm and me almost killing myself, I told him everything " I say. Sean sits next to me and hugs me. " I thought you didn't want anyone to ever know about any of that, not even mom and dad knew about that " he says confused. " He has told me absolutely everything about his life, I think it was time he knew the truth about my life, I also told him about me being adopted " I say. " Not even Ben or Skye know about that, even our family thinks you're biologically related to us " he says shocked. " Oh well, Grayson knows now and why do they think that, I don't look anything like our family." He chuckles and agrees with me. " How about we go downstairs with everyone else, Noah has to do something outside and you haven't worked with him in forever, want to join him " Sean says. I smile then run downstairs. " I guess that's a yes then " I hear Sean yell from the top of the stairs. " Did Sean tell you " Noah asks as I run into the lobby. " Yes he did, let's go " I reply and we both run out of the lodge. We run to the back of the lodge and climb into one of the trees. We made this a tradition, every time we worked together outside, we would climb a tree and stay there for 5 minutes before actually doing any work. " This is relaxing, I miss this " he says. " Me too " I say as I look up at the sky through the branches and leaves. " So how are you and Grayson " he asks. This was something we also always did, we would ask about eachothers relationship. " Couldn't be better, I love him so much " I say with a smile on my face " what about you and Kaylee?" " Well I was actually thinking of proposing to her " he says and I almost fall out of the tree from how shocked I was. " You're what " I yell and some people outside look at us weirdly. " Sorry my bad " I yell again and they look away. " I'm gonna propose to her " be repeats " what do you think " he asks.

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