chapter 33

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Grayson POV switching things up
    Shayla and Caitlyn had sent me and Ethan to the store for a bunch of baby things. Shayla said it was because we actually needed more things for the twins and Caitlyn just wanted Ethan to get some practice since he was clueless.
" Alright so what is first on the list " Ethan asks me. I pull the list out of my pocket and see bottles. " Well first is baby bottles then pacifiers, let's go " I say. We reach the isle and I immediately stop in front of the bottles. I felt something soft hit me in the back causing me to turn around. I saw Ethan holding a bunch of small stuffed animals. " E where did you get those " I ask him while laughing. " Doesn't matter and you know these are adorable, the twins will love them " he says as he throws them in the cart. I pick up the one he threw at me and toss it in the car before turning back to the bottles. There were so many different types but I remember Shayne showing me which one Victoria liked best then the one James liked best. They both like different things so I have to remember small details like that. I also get different color pacifiers. A. In case they mixed them up and B. I know one will prefer a certain color. Next was diapers. The one thing they had that was the same. " Hey gray smile for the subscribers " Ethan says. I turn to him confused and see him holding the camera. I laughed then turned away. " Did you for real bring the camera while we went baby shopping " I ask him. " Everyone was asking for this video and no one expected us to be doing this one day " He explains. " I just nod and see a wall of stuffed animals. I turn to Ethan and immediately get hit with a stuffed giraffe. " Joked on you, this is Victoria's favorite animal " I tell him and toss it in the car. " We got a lot of stuffed animals " He said while looking in the cart. " Oh well " I say. We grab the rest of the thing on the list and head to check out. " This was a good day gray " Ethan says while pointing the camera at me. " Yes it was now I want to go see my wife and babies " I tell him. " Wow you don't want to be with your own twin brother " Ethan says pretending to be offended. " You know I love you E shut up " I say.
" Wow nice and mean in that sentence " He says then shuts off the camera. " All this doesnt feel real " Ethan says. " Well better get use to it cause you have a baby on the way " I tell him. " I never expected our life to end up like this " He tells me. " Neither did I but I'm really glad it did."

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