Chapter 20

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I wake up to someone's phone ringing. I didn't want to get up so I hit E on the arm but he doesn't even move. I pushed him off the bed that caused a loud thud. At least I got gray up as well. " E stands up then grabs the phone that was ringing. Oops it was my phone. Wait, how does that thing still work, I threw it at a wall across the room and E dropped it. " Who is this " E asked sounding angry. He pit it on speaker and you could only here silence. " I'm the one person that Shayla trusted but I betrayed her, I know everything from the moment we met up until now. Congrats on the engagement by the way. I met her way before you two did or that idiot ex of hers. We aren't friends anymore because of something I did that ended with me moving away." She was going to keep talking but I quickly cut her off by saying " because you tried to kill someone and they sent you to a insane asylum." E dropped the phone but Gray quickly caught it before it hit the ground. " So you remember me how sweet " she says with a laugh. " What do you want Bella, I haven't seen you in 5 years and you just come back now, apparently you have been stalking me too so just tell us what you want " I say getting annoyed. " Well what I want is your brother " she says and the twins look at me weirdly. She always had a thing for Sean but obviously he didn't feel the same for her. The person she tried to kill was Skye after she found out about Sean's feelings for her. Thankfully Skye was fine and never found out what Bella was going to do thanks to Sean and I. " Why have you been stalking me if you want my brother who is engaged as well " I say. " Because, I've been waiting for a moment to kidnap you but obviously not going to hurt you, just exchange you for Sean. Your brother always played the hero when it came to you so he would voluntarily did it but you just always have one of your friends with you " she says obviously annoyed. " How were you released from the asylum because you obviously need to go back " Gray says. " I didn't get released, I escaped and Shayla, you got a real cute one " she says. I had finally had enough and hung up the phone then walked over to my window. I opened it and threw the phone out of it, quickly locking it after closing it. " Explain now " the twins say to me. " Well I have to explain to everyone so let's go " I say as I walk out the door. We got to the lobby and everyone was already there. " Everyone shut up and pay attention " I say earning some weird looks from some the guests. " Sorry I was talking to my friends " I say to them and they go back to their own things. " What's wrong Shayla " Sean asks me. " You remember Bella " I say and his smile immediately drops. He runs behind Noah and Ben the pulls the twins toward him to form a barrier around him. " I'm gonna take that as a yes " Gray says. " Why do you ask " he says calmly like he didn't just freak out and use for boys to protect him. " Because she has been stalking me for a little less than five years and she says she isn't leaving till she gets what she wants which is you so good luck " I say quickly. " The hell she is " Sean says then tightens his grip on the boys. " Okay Sean, your my best friend and I want to help you but your about to break my arm " Ben says. " Alright I'm okay now " he says then quickly walks over to me. " Shayla, should we tell them cause Skye still doesn't know " he whispers. " We can't hide it forever and she might try to hurt one of them " I say. He nods in agreement and everyone else looked at us confused. " Bella was my best friend even before I met Ben's little brother. She was one of the only people I trusted besides Sean. She always seemed a little off when we were younger but all kids were crazy or weird " I explain. " Not that kind of crazy " Sean says. " Anyways, when we were around 12 or 13 she started to have a crush on Sean but she would always get mad that Sean didn't feel the same. Then Skye came into the picture which got Bella even more mad because it was a new girl that Sean immediately was interested in. She got so jealous that she tried to kill Skye
Sean and I stopped her before she could hurt anyone and her parents sent her to a insane asylum in a different country. She somehow escaped and has been watching since possibly my first summer here." " She tried to kill me 5 years ago and I'm finding out now " Skye yelled. " In our defense, you weren't even dating Sean yet and we were protecting you. She only planned it but not actually did it " I explain trying to calm her down. " What do we do now then " Kaylee asks. " I don't know but good luck " Noah says as he starts to walk away but Kaylee stops him. " You are involved whether you like it or not " she says and he sighs before facing back to us. " " Okay you act like I'm already trying to kill you guys " someone says from behind me. I quickly turn around then back up towards Sean. Grayson quickly runs up to us and pulls us back. I latch onto Gray's arm as Sean steps in front of Skye. " Wow am I really that scary " Bella says. " No your just that crazy " Sean says. " Not very nice Sean, I hear you are recently engaged, that won't last long with me around. You could deny it all you want but I know you felt the same way I did and still do " she says stepping closer. " Alright that's enough " Danielle says. " Oh I remember you, didn't you and Ben fall in a hole once " Bella says. " Yes we did and your fashion sense makes you look like you crawled out of one and I don't care if you escaped from a asylum on a private island located on the other side of the planet. I still wouldn't be scared of you so you can just go now or we get the police involved " Danielle threatens. The next thing I remember was a loud noise and Grayson telling my name before everythong went black.

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