Who The Fuck Is Vampire Weekend?

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Home sweet home.

The place Illyana called home, anyway.

It was a few miles away from where she worked, making her daily commute easy, especially in otherwise busy or special occasions.

Today wasn't necessarily any of the above but it was, however, going to be a long night in which Illyana would keep her eyes opened for anything that stood out, music wise. Perhaps, she thought, today I'll find the next big thing.

She decided that she'd go from long sleeved collar shirt and dark blue jeans to a black skirt, a bow tied sleeveless top and cute black boots which she'd pair up with black tights and a handbag which kept her journal safe and sound. Illyana smiled, looking at herself in the mirror; she looked comfortable, yet daring - just her type of fashion. She ran two finger through her hair, spreading it out.

"And this is why I love Forever 21," she chuckled, half spinning in front of the mirror.

She sighed, pressing the home key of her IPhone on. It was 7:16, good enough time for her to get going and break into the Big Apple's best nightclubs where music played day and night.

Unknown to Illyana, as she drove towards the Jane Club, on the other side of town, a dark haired man with hazel eyes and shy smile was making his way into the same club. He sported a black shirt, gray blazer and deep blue jeans. He smiled, walking past the crowds of people who admired him. Some pointed at him in awe, while others looked in utter shock.

Was the man just that beautiful? Some would say... No.

Others would beg to differ.

"Is it him?"

"The guy from that band... They sing that song from that one Honda commercial..."

"He was in the Colbert Report - NO, 'GIRLS',WITH LENA DUNHAM!"

Illyana waited patiently for the light to turn green. This New York City traffic killed her brain cells slowly every moment. "Jesus," she groaned, "I've been here for an eternity." She looked around, tapping her fingernails on the wheel. And as she did, a song came on. The sound was quite upbeat, nothing she hadn't ever heard. But the lyrics captivated her - or her own atheism.

'We know the fire await unbelievers
All of the sinners the same...'

She stopped for a moment, paying close attention to the song.

'I'm not excited
But should I be?'

"Hurry the fuck up!" Someone yelled from the outside.

Illyana looked up, seeing the light was now green.

"Well shit," she said, pressing the accelerator.

'See the sun go down
It's going down when the night is deep'

The song wasn't even two minutes in and Illyana was in love with it. A new band? A new interview, Illyana thought. It keep asking, the chorus, I'm not excited. But should I be? Is this the fate that half of the world has planned for me? And, Illyana wasn't sure if that was her fate, but she was excited.

"Who are you?" She asked, trying to remember a few lyrics. She'd google them, and find the genius artist. Perhaps they were a yet to be discovered band from around the city. She spotted an vacant parking space, and as she parked, she took her iPhone out.

'I'm not excited. But should I be? lyrics' Illyana typed in. Loading. Loading. Loading.

Damn, Safari is slow tonight.

'Unbelievers lyrics - Vampire Weekend' was the first thing that popped out on Google.

Vampire Weekend?

The name sounded familiar. Illyana clicked on the search bar and typed the band's name on the search bar.

The first thing that popped out was their official band website, followed by Google's bio bar, which included the band's images - four men, a really tall one, followed by a smaller, dark looking one, followed by a handsome, medium to tall looking one, followed by a bearded, taller than the last fellow one.

Below the images, a name popped out, that of lead singer Ezra Koenig, since 2006. Just below Koenig's name, a section dedicated to similar acts, most whom Illyana was familiar with and had previously met, such as Arcade Fire and Arctic Monkeys. Below that, the band's songs were arranged, showing...

Oxford Comma? A-Punk? Cousins?

"Who the fuck writes about this?" Illyana asked, looking away from her phone.

She shook her head, turning back to the screen. The songs had been released in 2008 and 2010, so they were a new act - to Illyana, of course. She pressed her lips, hitting the home button and tapping the Apple Notes. 'Vampire Weekend', she wrote on the note and clicked done. They intrigued Illyana, for the particular reason that were peculiar, even physically.

The really tall one looks like their father

Before driving off, she unlocked her phone and pressed on the first image of the Vampire Weekday - or end, whatever. The medium to tall, handsome one caught her attention. She gave his image a smile before shaking her head and locking the phone yet again.

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now