If I Lay Here

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"It's lovely here," Illyana commented, as her and Ezra walked down a park passage.

"I feel like a 50s married couple, and I don't even know why," Ezra replied, looking at the trees. "I think it's the basket. Who even uses this anymore?"

"Shush, we're going to have a great time. Besides, you look cute holding it; like an actual cool dad."

Ezra smirked, then cleared his throat. "Have you been reading my tweets, Illyana? Are you stalking my Twitter like I stalk yours?"

It's okay to admit that now, right?

Illyana furrowed her brow, turning her head slightly to take a quick glance at him. "N-no, that's just something I always find on Tum...- you stalk my Twitter? Really?..."

Or not

"Well, look at that! A nice spot for us to sit at!" He answered quickly, choosing to ignore her inquiry. Ezra pointed towards a shady spot, rich in green pasture.

"Mhm. The silence sold you out, Koenig. But, fine, let's go over there," Illyana declared, smirking playfully. "Nice day to have a picnic. It's sunny but windy, and there's enough shade."

"It's the magic of Cape Cod, Illy. You'd never been here before?" Ezra asked. He placed the basket on the ground, then took out the small checkered blanket they'd brought to sit in the ground.

"Actually, no. We'd spend our summers in Connecticut or California. Sometimes Florida. And small vacations that lasted a week were taken to Las Vegas." The redhead shrugged, helping Ezra in laying the blanket out evenly. "You?"

"We came here once when I was pretty young, otherwise, nope. Started taking more trips here during the debut days, but it was for filming of the video." He sat in the blanket, looking around. "It's calm too."

"I noticed that! Gosh, it must be lovely to live here, except when all the tourists flock in," Illyana said. "... Even though we are tourists. Fuck." She sat next to Ezra.

"I think that... When I'm old and rusty, and people stop listening to what I've gotta say, I'm going to get a house here. When I woke up today, it felt refreshing, unlike the city. And then I saw you, and I realized that it felt a whole lot better." Ezra scooted closer to Illyana, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Maybe my life is just a whole lot better with you around."

Illyana blushed lightly. Every time Ezra opened up his mouth to compliment their life together, he always found a way to piece the words in the right way. He always did. And herself? She felt like an idiot for not having the same mentality as he did, despite feeling the same way. Was she just less romantic? Probably. Then again, Ezra was used to writing songs, piece by piece, while Illyana wrote normal sentences about music.

"Y'know, no other morning will ever compare to the morning after in London," Illyana replied in a near whisper. "I realized I wanted to wake up next to you every morning, and perhaps the taste of another kiss from other lips would be disturbing."

Her green eyes scanned his hazel eyes, and vice versa. Ezra smirked, closing in. "That night in London changed it all, Illyana," he whispered back. "Slowly. Then all at once. Abruptly. But I wouldn't have had it any other way."

"You're good with words, Koenig. Too damn good," she replied, licking her lips. She pushed her face gently to fill out the space left between them, to lock lips.

Ezra chuckled softly, as their lips touched. Little moments like this made him ponder where she'd been before and how come he'd never found someone like her. He felt safe, just by being near her, and he felt accepted.

I could just...

Stay here forever

Ezra pulled away, but pressed his hand lightly on her face, keeping their faces close. "Going to London, I never thought I'd leave the place so happy. Honest."

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