With A Little Help From My Friends

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"Holy. Cow," Chloe said, staring with wide eyes at Illyana.

"Ezra Koenig is a cutie! H-how the hell do you work for us when you didn't even know who he was?!" She asked, softly slamming her petite hands on Illyana's desk.

Illyana chuckled and shrugged.

"For the same reason we can't see all the planets and stars - there's a lot of planets and little time to see them."

"Hmph. I'm still mad that you didn't realize it was him. Also? DUDE! He is adorable! Have you seen his videos? Did you guys talk about L'Homme Run?! HM?!" Chloe asked, on the verge of a fangirl attack.

"Woah, calm down, Chlo. I can't give away all the info. You'll have to wait and see. But yes, he did mention his silly rap group - he keeps on swearing it was serious."

Chloe giggled, looking flustered. "That's so cute, Illy. So fucking cute, I can't believe you went on a date with him."

Illy looked up for a moment. "Hm, I wouldn't call it a date. Okay, a forced and unplanned date," she said, returning to her paperwork. But dammit, all she could think about was Ezra.

"Has he called you? Or vice versa?" Chloe asked, ignoring Illyana's last statement.

"N-no. I mean, that was last night, Chlo. Give it a day or two, no? Besides, it's not like if I'm desperate for him to call me or anything. Sweet guy, really swell. Just that," Illyana said, taking a stack of newspapers and putting them in front of her. Chloe furrowed her brow, as if not believing Illyana's words. "You're a terrible liar, Romanov."

"Am I?" Illyana raised her brow.

"You like him," Chloe said.

"Do I?" Illyana shot back.

"You really do. And you're gonna hook me up with CT," Chloe replied, smirking lightly.

"Sure. That is, if I see Ez again."

"See? You're calling him Ez. You didn't even call Alex Turner 'Al', even when he asked you to!" Chloe pointed out.

Illyana sighed. "Pass me any calls, will ya?"

Chloe stood up, running a hand down her skirt. "No, you know what? I'll take care of all calls and only pass them to you if they're Ezra related. Yup."

"You're drunk. Go home," Illyana said, pointing towards the door.



"Dammit," Ezra said mumbled angrily. This was the fifth time it happened in day. The singer kept messing up on rather easy recording sessions with the band. And even if he tried to hide it, all his mates noticed.

"Guys, let's take a break, yeah?" Rostam said, signaling the others to come after him. They walked towards Ezra, who put his guitar down.

"I'm sorry guys, really. I didn't have a good night's sleep and it's...-" Ezra was interrupted by Rostam, his longtime friend and co-lyricist. "Spit it out; who's the girl?" He asked, sitting next to his friend.

Ezra looked up at Rostam, then at CT and Baio, all who smiled mischievously.

How the fuck do they know?

"I have no, NO idea as to what you are talking about. The only girl in my life is my mother," Ezra said, turning away from his friends.

"C'mon, Ez, spill it out. We're guy's guys, not high school tabloids," Baio said, patting Ezra's back.

Ezra sighed, standing up. "Fine, but... Okay, just don't say anything," he demanded.

"Why would we? Do we know her? Is it Jenny?" Rostam asked.

"No! It's just that... She's a blogger and she wants to cover us. So yes, you guys will meet her soon," Ezra admitted, eyeing his mates.

"Cool! Now tell us about her!" Baio demanded, placing his elbow on CT's shoulder.

"Well... I met her last night at the Jane Ballroom. Her name is Illyana Romanov - no connection to the last czars of the Motherland. Anywho, she's gorgeous, just perfect. Porcelain skin, redhead -"

"Redheads do it best," CT added, earning a high five from Baio.

Ezra frowned, "As I was saying - she's funny and witty, smart and determined and she's got a thing for music and the arts. She works for the Times."

Rostam smiled, happy to see his friend moving after 'mourning' the end of his relationship with Sara Davis some four years back. "I'm happy for you, man. Really! She sounds lovely!"

"Definitely," added Baio, while CT nodded. "So when are we meeting her?" He asked.

"I... I dunno. I haven't called her yet. I thought I should wait a while to not seem all that desperate," Ezra said.

Cause I'm a loser in love

Rostam frowned. "No. Call her before she gets away."

Ezra looked up, raising a brow. Why was Rostam so interested in his so-called love life all of a sudden?


Rostam looked at CT and Baio, who looked at Ezra.

"Because," he started, "It's been a long while since we last saw you smitten by a girl. It's not usual to see the great E.K. fucking up in a jam session."

Was he that obvious?


"Besides, publicity in the New York Times never hurts," Baio said.

"Fine. I'll call Illy," Ezra said, defeated. "Let me go get her number." He walked out the recording room.

Rostam smiled, patting himself mentally. He then turned to Chris Squared. "You know, when Ez is lovestruck, we get major hit songs," CT said, while Baio nodded in agreement.

"See, I haven't seen him like this in so long. It's refreshing to see him so excited over a girl," Rostam explained.

"Hey, when we meet her, should we tease him about her, in front of her?" Baio asked.

"Raise your hand if you think we should," CT said, raising his hand...

... And so did Rostam and Baio.

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now