Hopeless Romantics

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People often relate the pouring rain in the city with hopeless romantics; the type of people who do crazy, stupid things for love.

While Illyana drove through the wet streets of the city she loved, a clear memory popped up in her mind.

Once, when she was a freshman in high school, as a storm rapidly approached, Illyana had been talking to Nana Sofia about her likes and dislikes. She mentioned gloomy, cold and rainy days as her favorite kind of days. When Sofia asked what she enjoyed the most about such days, Illyana didn't know how to reply; she enjoyed everything about them. Sofia laughed, and told Illyana that she was destined to be a fool for love.

Of course, Illyana chose to believe she wasn't like that. "I'm capable of living without love, thank you very much," she'd reply. Sofia only rocked back and forth on her chair, telling Illyana to be careful, because her Prince would sweep her feet off the ground at the most unexpected moment.

I chose to ignore you warnings, Nana.

Illyana sighed deeply at the memories of her wise grandmother. She knew if Sofia were alive today, she'd be confiding in her, asking for her advice, and yes, fangirling about Ezra.

Soaked. Completely soaked. And still, he didn't regret it.

Ezra stood in middle of the sidewalk as the showers drenched him in water. Still, he wouldn't leave until he either saw Illyana or got a call from her telling him to fuck off. Sure, he was tired and his bones ached from the heaviness he felt, but he'd stand still. "Come on, Illyana... Show up..."

She's not going to show up. Why would she? You two barely met, and already you're proposing to her that she let herself get kissed by you.

"How cheerful," he scolded himself - or rather, his brain. Ezra looked around, anxiously awaiting Illyana or a devastating phone call.

She's not the only girl around. There's a lifetime out there, Koenig.

Sure, he could try to convince himself that he could get anyone out there, anyone at all. But he knew his reality - that he wanted Illyana.

Time after time. He shivered violently as the wind howled, his sweater doing nothing to protect him anymore. He sighed, thinking perhaps it was best to leave. "She's not coming," he told himself. "Huge waste of time."

Illyana was a light away from their point of meeting, and honestly, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach eating her up. The last time she'd felt this way before?

... Did I ever feel like this before?

As the light turned from red to green, she instantly sped off. "I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna fuckin' make it!" She proclaimed loudly, steering the wheel with both hands.

She slowed the car down as she came into 51st Avenue, Rockefeller Plaza. She pulled up into an empty parking space, not knowing what to expect - or where to expect Ezra.

"Phone phone phone phone, get me my phone," Illyana said, digging for her phone inside her bag. "Siri, where the fuck are you?" She asked, flipping her bag over and throwing everything out into the passenger's seat. "PHONE!" Illyana exclaimed, snatching her iPhone from the seat. As she unlocked her phone, she turned her head towards the sidewalk, to check for places where the rain wasn't hitting hard. While scanning the place she...

"... Ez?" She cocked a brow, putting her phone down.

... Spotted a man completely drenched, sporting a red sweater and dark blue jeans.

"You nerd..." She whispered to herself, opening the car door.

Holy shit, I didn't think it was pouring cats and dogs.

... Could it be? Wondered Ezra, that this was Illyana? He squinted his eyes before smiling - he wasn't dreaming.

"Illy?" He asked, running towards her.

"I couldn't say no... I didn't know you'd put yourself through this, though," She yelled loudly.

Ezra chuckled and looked up at the sky. "It's only rain, not bombs," he replied.

Illyana shook her head, placing her fingertips on Ezra's cheek. "You're wet, you idiot! Soaked!"

Ezra wrinkled his nose as more drops fell on his face. "Look at yourself! So are you!"

Illyana rolled her eyes cheekily. "Thanks, cap'n obvious."

"Shh, come here," he said, leaning closely. His lips touched Illyana's once again, and the redhead let a chuckle escape her lips as she kissed him back, underneath the New York rain.

Such a cliché

I don't want to be anywhere else, though.

"Look," Ezra said, unwillingly pulling away, "I don't want to scare you, really, but I've got a few things planned out for tonight."

Illyana cocked a brow, curiously awaiting to hear the plan. "Shoot."

"Let me drive us to Central Park," Ezra said, grabbing Illyana's hand. "I can't say too much."

"... Well, what can go wrong, honestly? But you drive," Illyana said, shooting Ezra a cocky look.

"Alright, alright, I will!" Ezra laughed, running his hand down her arm. "You look beautiful, you know?"

Illyana blushed. "I'm soaked, my makeup is running off my face and my hair is a mess. How can I possibly look good?"

"You just do, Illy," Ezra said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Now come on, let's go."

"So?" Illyana said, getting out of the car, "What're we doing here?"

"Well, I was thinking that I could kiss you here. I could sing songs softly into your ear. Chase you in the rain..."

Illyana paused and crossed her legs. "You're a fucking hopeless romantic, aren't you?"

Ezra closed the car door and walked around the car to open Illyana's door. "I wouldn't know - this is the first time I've done something like this," he replied, helping her out.

Illyana stepped out of the car and closed the door. "I wouldn't believe this," she chuckled.

Ezra sighed, keeping his eyes focused on Illyana. "You're killing me, bambina." He turned away and pointed towards the inside of the park. "Come on, the night's young but not forever."

"... And poetic, look at that," she said, letting herself be taken away by Ezra.

"Come back here!" Ezra yelled, chasing after Illyana.

"Catch me if you can!" She yelled, somehow managing to run in the wet ground. "Too slow for me, Mëin König!"

Ezra ran faster, catching up to her. "You're saying?" Ezra teased.

She turned her head to face him, pretending to be shocked. "You can run? That's a sur - OU!" Illyana was tackled to the ground by Ezra, who wrapped his feet around hers. "OU! Ez!" She yelled, giggling. "C'mon, bro! The grass is wet as fuck!" She pouted, trying to escape.

Ezra held her tightly, not wanting to let her go - even if it meant they'd be horribly soaked in water and mud. "Your loss, Romanov! Now, what did you call me? I'd really like to hear that again," he lifted his head and looked down at her.

"Hmph. Nope. I won't say that again," complained Illyana.

"If you say it, I'll let you be free," Ezra bargained with her.

Illyana pretended to think for a moment. "Hmm... Fine. Mëin König. There."

"Fair enough," Ezra replied, standing up before extending his hand and helping Illyana up.

She's... Different.

I don't want to fall...

... You're not helping your cause, idiot.

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