First Floor Discovery

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The Jane Ballroom.

One of the five top nightclubs to spot celebrities at.

Just the right spot, Illyana decided.

The place wasn't what you'd expect from a nightclub. It wasn't too loud, and people weren't groping each other endlessly. It was spaced out just right, and the people seemed to mind their own business.

Illyana took a seat in the bar area, giving the bartender a half smile.

"Anything to drink, ma'am?" He asked politely.

She thought for a moment. "Just a J&C," Illyana said, taking her journal out of her bag.

The bartender nodded, getting himself busy.

Illyana then turned her head around, looking at the crowds. There was nothing too particular about the place - just people talking and laughing while drinking and ordering food.

Illyana sighed deeply. "Gotta get m' mojo back."

"Your drink, miss," the bartender said, placing the glass of Jack & Coke next to Illyana. She turned back around and smiled. "Thank you," she said, and he nodded. She took a quick sip of the drink and turned right back around to scan the place. Again, nothing special. The place had been covered countless of times before and it was a 'must-go' for the bohemian and such crowd.

"Hey! Mr. Bartender! Can I get a minute?" She asked the bartender, who was getting the order of a client. "Sure thing! Give me a quick second," he said, finishing the man's order.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Hey, how much action do you usually get here?" Illyana asked, placing her elbows on the counter.

The man grinned and looked at her, shaking his head. "What kind of action are you hinting at, Red?"

Illyana's eyes widened. "Nonononono! I-I mean, celebrity action!"

The bartender chuckled. "Don't worry, I was just teasing," he said, looking at Illyana.

"Hm... If I had a quarter for every celebrity that walks through that door, I'd be rich. It gets packed, but they don't usually hang out here. They go up there," he pointed at the second floor, which had a balcony like view. "Usually reserve it for themselves and their entourage. And occasionally, if they spot a babe and her cute friend, they'll invite them up there - and into their bed. By the way, the name's Jack. Well, it's Jackson, but, y'know. Jack."

Illyana looked up at the second floor, wondering how many celebrities had - or could be - up there. "Jack. Okay, well, I'm Illyana, but my friends call me Illy. Nice to meet you," Illyana replied, extending her hand. Jack smiled, extending his hand to shake Illyana's.

"Tell ya what - let's keep this between us - but there is a famous singer up there right now. He's a big deal, according to my colleagues. Won a Grammy not too long ago," Jack said in a whisper.

Illyana nodded, paying close attention. "Grammy? That person must be a huge deal! Do you have any clue as to who it might be?" She asked unapologetically.

Jack remained silent for a second.

"I'm not supposed to give that away...- I could get canned, and the dude needs his privacy..." Jack shrugged sadly, giving Illyana the puppy look.

"Look, I'm not a stalker, and I get it! Canned! That's bad, but I can get canned soon if I don't come up with something genius for my New York Times music blog! I mean, do you know how hard this is?" She asked, shooting a puppy look right back.

Jack sighed, looking defeated. "Koenig. Ezra Koenig, from Vampire Weekend."

Holy cow

This is fate...

"I've gotta meet him, Jack! You have to help me!" Illyana begged Jack, placing her hands together, and giving him a desperate look.

"Hey, come now, Red. I already told you Ezra the Vamp is up there. You're gonna get me canned, love."

"Hmph. I'll find a way up there, then," Illyana declared, looking determined.

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now